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Before I could argue that he could trust me, which was another lie but one I intended to stick to, Castiel's hand was on my shoulder and the house vanished

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Before I could argue that he could trust me, which was another lie but one I intended to stick to, Castiel's hand was on my shoulder and the house vanished. Rather, we vanished from the house. We reappeared in Bobby's basement. I wish I could say that dear old Uncle Bobby hadn't let me down in the dark and scary basement whenever my parents had left me with him as a kid, but safety was more important than keeping me away from pointy objects, and I'd often been placed in the panic room whenever something horrific came to call in search of trouble.

The musty scent clung to the stagnant air and fine particles of dust drifted idly through the air, dancing in the thin streams of light passing through the floorboards above. Castiel steered me into the iron room, his hand only leaving my shoulder when he turned to close the door behind us. I left to sit on the uncomfortable, grimy cot against the wall and let out a long, slow breath. This wasn't how I'd pictured this mission going. This wasn't how I'd pictured my life going.

If I was honest, given the occupation of my parents, I hadn't thought I'd live this long.

The mattress creaked loudly when Castiel sat beside me, the side of his body against mine. He mimicked my sigh, but I didn't know that angels needed to breathe. Perhaps it was just mimicking the human condition, or he'd been around Sam and Dean so long that he'd picked up on their habits. Whatever the reason, he sat rigid and close, and I shifted a little to put some space between us.

"Haven't you heard of personal space?"

"Dean claims I have a problem with that," the angel confessed. "But I was told to watch you."

"I didn't know angels took orders from humans. Then again, I didn't know any of you existed before I got here," I said.

"I find it strange that so many hunters accept demons in this world but find it so hard to believe in angels."

I leaned forward, my elbows on my knees, and rested my chin against my palm. "I guess when you spend your life in the dark, it's hard to accept there's anything good or light out there."

"Not all angels are good."

"True." A rueful smile tugged at my lips. "Some of them are kidnappers."

The word caught his attention. Castiel turned his head to look at me. He didn't seem insulted by the accusation. Possibly because it was an indisputable fact. He'd brought me back to Bobby's house against my will and had me locked in an iron cage like an animal, which was something I didn't want to think about too hard.

I waited for the angel to defend his actions. When no reply came, I stood and said, "It's better for all of us if I get out of here. So, you're going to need to break orders just this once and tell them I escaped."

"I can't let you leave."

"Because I'm a dangerous monster?"

Castiel stood from the cot. "Because you're scared."

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