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It was easy to forget that our cover was all a lie

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It was easy to forget that our cover was all a lie.

Almost all a lie.

As we sat in the clinically sleek and modern reception area downstairs, I tapped my feet impatiently and twisted my hands in my lap. Sam reached out and placed his hand over mine, dwarfing them in his long, large fingers. I offered him a weak smile in return. Thing is, it didn't matter if he believed in the monsters. Well, it did. It mattered that we saved his life. But it wasn't just about Crowley anymore. It was about finally having a member of my family back.

It was about not being alone anymore.

"It'll be fine," Sam assured me. "Dean can talk himself into anywhere."

"That's not what I'm worried about."

"Then, what?"

"It's stupid," I muttered.

Sam brushed his thumb over my knuckles. "You can tell me. I won't think it's stupid."

I smiled up at Sam sadly. "What if he doesn't like me? He's my brother. He's the only family I've got left, and we're about to ruin his life. I could find him and lose him all in the same day, Sam."

"Then it's his loss." Sam returned my smile. "And he's not your only family. You're a hunter, and you've got us. No matter what happens today, that won't change."


It was a full hour before Castiel and Dean returned. In truth, I'd started to wonder if they were in danger up there. If they were, we'd have heard something. Dean would've gotten a message to us to get out of the building. Castiel could've just flitted back down to us with his angel powers and brought us into the fight if they needed. My nerves just had my imagination going haywire.

Lee seemed like an intelligent guy. You didn't get to where he was if you were an idiot. Nepotism probably also played a role in his successful career, but no self-respecting, high-powered businessman would believe two random guys about his long-lost sister without sufficient evidence. I just hoped the pair were convincing enough to at least bring him downstairs and hear us out. The very least we could do was to arm him with the knowledge he desperately needed to protect himself if he wouldn't allow us into his life.

I looked up when the men approached and tapped Sam's leg so that he'd get up along with me. We affixed smiles to our faces, and I hoped that mine didn't seem forced. The man with them was clearly Lee. Ever since I'd seen the photographs, I hadn't been able to get him out of my head. It was that boy-scout face of his. The all-American hero life. Lee was the kind of guy who caught the attention of all the people around him, and it was clear from the way that the staff in the lobby smiled and adopted doe-eyed, dreamy expressions at the sight of him that he was a popular man.

"Evelyn?" Even from a distance, I saw his eyes widen. Lee quickened his pace and wrapped me in his arms. It wasn't the reaction I'd expected and I froze as he crushed me against his chest. "It's really you! Thank God!"

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