I'm not dead, just tired

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Hey kittens... please don't kill me

I am not gonna make up some lousy excuses for not posting for the last few months, I have just had no energy and or ideas and things are kinda chaotic at the moment. I am working on getting a new chapter out within then next few weeks but I can't promise anything. I am so so grateful for all the love and support I get and the patience you all have had. I'm currently trying to get back onto the road of normality, and all of your support and understanding has really helped encourage me. Also thank you so so so much for the 1.5K votes and all of the reads, it means the world to me! That's all I really got to say, take care everyone and remember that you are all rock stars!

P.s. if anyone has ideas they would be okay with me using or moments they want to see happen let me know, and as always I'll give credit, I ain't taken credit for anyone's work but my own! Stay safe and stay creative! Have a good day everyone and I'll be back soon!

He saved me... ~Dabideku~ Up for adoption and abandonedWhere stories live. Discover now