Meanwhile At UA-18

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Hello Kittens, I finally wrote another part. I am so sorry for the long wait, I promise I will try and get back to my normal updating schedule. I also wanna say a massive thanks for 10.7K reads and nearly 450 votes! You guys are amazing and I am so thankful and excited for them all! You guys are amazing and all your support is so amazing and encouraging. Thank you all so much for the support and patience. You all have no idea how much it means to me.

You are all so amazing and I hope you are all safe and healthy. Remember to take care of eachother and yourselves, don't be afraid to ask someone how their day is or offer them a smile, it is the least any of us can do! Now I will shut up and let you get onto what you want to read. Now without further ado here is part 18!

Shotos POV

I watch as my phone goes to voicemail for the hundredth time, I want to throw my phone at the door but I know I can't. I look at the screen and sigh. Might as well leave another message. I really hope he is okay... I swear to Nezu if All Bitch got to him I'm going to freeze his dick off. As the buzzer goes off I sigh and start to relay my message into the phone.

"Hey Izuku, I got back to the dorms at like 12:30 and you aren't here, it is now 6:24 am and you still aren't here. Are you okay, where are you? Please call me when you can, I just wanna know you are okay. If I don't hear back from you in the next hour I'm storming into Ass Mighs office and asking what the hell he did to you so please contact me Izuku." I hang up and flop on Izuku's bed. His room was pretty plain, with a few posters of bands like My Chemical Romance, Panic! At the Disco or Mother Mother. He has a few photos hanging from his wall in cute wooden frames.

I scan the photos on his wall for the hundredth time, looking at the happy smile of his mother and a much younger izuku on his first day of kindergarten. He looked so happy back then, he had a genuine smile, his eyes were filled with hope and he looked so comfortable hugging his mother. It is such a parallel to him now... the fake smiles, the dull eyes and he flinches at even the slightest from most people.

He has been through so much... lord I hope it isn't going through something again... I know he is strong but he can only handle so much before he cracks again. He is so strong... he will survive, he always does. Right now I need to make sure he is safe but.

I look at my phone and it is now 6:42 am. I look at the bruises and cuts lingering on my arm from last night. I can't let him go through the same thing I go through, not while I have any strength left to prevent it, it has already happened to often to him... its not fair. I grab a tight grip of my phone and force myself off the bed, I take one last look around when my eyes glance over something that catches my attention. A small note is folded less than neatly on the bedside table. I know this is technically an invasion of privacy but it might give me a clue where Izuku is.

Curiosity and worry getting the best of me I lean down and quickly grab the letter, carefully unfolding it not wanting to rip it. It has less than neat handwriting on the paper but the words are at least clear enough to read it.

Dear little hero,

Ohh, nickname. Gotta admit it is kinda cute and cheesy, just the sort of thing that would fluster izuku.

When you read this I will be gone, dont worry im safe back at base, though you probably don't care for that. If you want you can call me but I doubt you will.

Back at base... is this guy bad news?.. Hmm at the very least he seems very insecure.

I'm sorry I kissed you, HE WHAT?!?! Okay now this is serious. I didn't ask and I don't know if you feel the same way, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable and I understand if you don't wish to talk to me again. Well at least he is saying sorry for not asking. Whoever this person is clearly really cares for izuku... I wonder if it is that guy that Izuku was talking about? I know you probably hate me and are disgusted I kissed you. But please know, I meant it, I care for you in ways I can't explain and I will never hate you, even if you hate me.

He saved me... ~Dabideku~ Up for adoption and abandonedWhere stories live. Discover now