Confusing the burnt nugget-8

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Hey hey hey! Before I start blabbering big shout out to @Akiratheloner@Drarry4EverBiches, @xx_Little_Wolf_xx and @Odd_Weeb Thank you guys for being the first people to read and interact with my story, and might I say, you people work fast! You guys were reading it within the first few hours of it being posted so massive thanks! Now I will stop blabbering and get to the story!

Izuku's POV

I looked at Tenko with a smile on my face, after about a minute of laughing we finally had to stop to breathe. Touya looked a little pissed, a little confused and a little concerned. I look at Touya with a bright smile. He raises an eyebrow and nods to Tenko.

"Long story short dabi, Tenko here is my brother. Or as you call him Shigaraki, is my adopted brother." I looks at Tenko and he loops one arm around me, still eating his toastie in his other

"And don't forget I'm technically your cousin since my dead father and you mom were kids to Nana Shimura. Also Kais is our cousin because his grandfather was Nana's brother. Dear Nezu, they wonder why we don't do family reunions often!" I giggle in agreement. I look at me and dabis plates, we haven't eaten still.

"Dabi, we haven't eaten. Let's save the questions for after we eat. I don't want it to get cold!" He nods in agreement and picks up the first half. He takes a bite into it and his darkish expression nearly instantly changes. He grins at me like a little kid and continues to eat. I turn to my own food and start to eat quietly.

How am i going to explain everything? Should I just send him on his way with Tenko and let him deal with all of Touya's questions? I could answer some and then let Tenko deal with the ones I don't want to deal with, like who my dad is. But then again, if I don't then Tenko will have to and it will cause problems. Ugh why is this so confusing! How about I let them stay for a little and if he asks about dad I will let Tenko deal with it. Hmm, sounds okay-ish, I will go with this plan and see if it works.

I look at Tenko and smile, oh he is done with his food. He tries to reach for mine but dabi interrupts him.

"Hand job, leave his food. He hasn't eaten since Thursday morning and he needs food. Get off your ass and get something else to eat." I look at Dabi with a grateful smile. He was half way dont his second half. Tenko grumbles a little and gets up, walking to the kitchen before getting an apple.

"Sorry izu. Also why didn't you eat dumbass! So help me I will tell mum and dad and then you will regret not eating!" No! Tenko, if you do so help me I will hide all your controllers. Ugh i cant threaten him otherwise he will tell mum and dad. Just agreeing is the best plan.

"Fine, I will eat more. I just haven't gotten the chance, and All Might keeps throwing out my food." I mumble the last part softly. If either one of them heard I am screwed. I look at them and dabi has a bitter look on his face. SHIT! He must have heard, but why does he care? I mean, I know we have gotten close today but it's not like he thinks of me as his friend, i mean i would love it if we were but i doubt that will happen. Dabi looked me dead in the eye, his eyes looked cold and unforgiving but this anger wasn't pointed at me.

"Midoriya please tell me what I just heard is wrong. Because if what you just said is true I'm going to have a very short talk with that man." A chill went down my spine and for a second I swear the world went quiet. Tenko looks at him questionly.

"Oi scarbags, what did izu say and who are you about to murder?" Tenko looks at me with a worried expression. I turn to Touya with pleading eyes. Please don't tell him, I'm so close to getting away from him, I don't need any more problems with him. I can't go through it again, i learnt last time not to speak of what happens or we both get hurt. I can't risk that, not again.

He saved me... ~Dabideku~ Up for adoption and abandonedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora