Will you rescue me please?-13

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Okay beautiful people I will get into it because I don't have much to say! TW panic attack and slight smut??? Meh, anyway here is part 13!

Izuku's POV

I lay in bed, my thoughts running wild. My body hurts and is sore. The bruises and cuts littered up my limbs and chest. I need to talk to someone, but shoto is still training with his father, I hate Thursday. Dadzaw tried to postpone it but endewhore is the number one hero so he has more power then dadzawa, stupid endewhore!

It has been a little over a week since Shoto told me I should call him and I am debating whether or not I should. Should I call him, he was really kind and he made me feel safe, but he is a villain and he probably doesn't even like me, but the past week we have been talking he has always been nice to me. He is nice and makes me laugh, but he is still a villain. But my brother is shigaraki and my father is fucking AFO. But he also probably doesn't even want to talk to me after figuring out what happened to me, he hasn't mentioned it yet but I think he knows, he has always tiptoed around the topic. But then again he would understand, he has been through it as well, and he did seem happy talking to me, maybe he enjoyed my company as much as i enjoyed his. I have been really happy talking to him, he always knows what to say and he is so kind. I really hope he isn't just pitying me...

Ugr screw it, I will call him and if he doesn't want to talk to me again then I will at least know and then I won't waste anymore time on him, he probably won't pick up but that's fine, at least I tried. And if he doesn't then... no. I'm not... not going to today. Let's hope he picks up... is this the right choice? Doesn't matter if I'm doing it, it sounds reasonable... right? NO! Don't think negative thoughts Izu, you're better than that, come on. Just call him, maybe he will talk to you, maybe not.

I picked up my phone from my bedside table, it was cool in my hands and my fingers fumble over the screen, unlocking it and entering my contacts. I scroll till I find the name Akuma Hinotei. I didn't want to use his new name or his old one so I picked a name that meant devils fire hand. It suits him well, I think, well he seemed to like it so it stayed.

I click on the number and the phone starts to ring, I bite my lip, my head running through my thoughts, trying to decide whether or not this was the right choice till the phone stops ringing and I hear a deep, groggy voice answer the phone. My face blushes fiercely.

"Who is this?" I take a deep breath and answer him.

"Umm hey dabi, this is midoriya. I kind of wanted to talk, but i get it if you don't want to, i-

"Yeah, I would love to talk. Sorry I was grumpy, I just woke up." I started to panic, did I wake him up, ugh way to go, he is probably angry now, or he doesn't want to talk. Ugh, way to go.

" Hey calm down little hero, it's fine. I don't really care, I should have probably gotten up a few hours ago. How are you?" My heart sinks, my mind running through the past events and my breathing all but stops.

Dabis POV

I am woken to the sound of my phone ringing. My hands search around aimlessly till I find the phone. I answered in a harsh, gravelly voice, I was having a nice dream. I was killing my father and midoriya was cheering me on, my frown instantly changes after I hear the voice. It was midoriya, he started to ramble on but I couldn't help but smile, dear nezu he is adorable when he continues to ramble. If I have learnt anything over the past week it is that he will mumble for hours if you let him. I will have to cut him off or he will never stop.

"Yeah, I would love to talk. Sorry I was grumpy, I just woke up." he again starts to mumble apologies and his thoughts. He really has no control over it at all. I hold back a chuckle and a small smile rests on my face. Again I cut in to stop him from continuing mumbling.

He saved me... ~Dabideku~ Up for adoption and abandonedWhere stories live. Discover now