Explaining how he knew-4

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Hello beautiful, Handsome and fabulous people! ! Thanks to everyone who read my story you guys are amazing and I'm so thankful for all of you! You guys are great and I promise I won't will get the next part out relatively soon! Now remember to stay safe and to take care of yourself! This part is a little longer then normal as a payback for me doing a shorter then normal page last time! Now with me rambling out of the way here is part 4, enjoy!

Dabi's POV

What the fuck!?!?! How did this kid know my name!? The LOV don't know, heck my family didn't know so how does this seventeen year old high school kid know?

"How the actual fuck do you know my name?! And why?!" My mind starts to race around the possible ways he figured it out. Was he told or did he find out? What is. Going to happen, is he going to find out!? Oh this is bad, this is really bad!

"Calm down dabi. I'm not going to tell anyone, there is no point and I would get no gain out of it. Plus I don't want to be the reason you are returned to an abusive household. No one knows, not even Shoto. So calm down." He gives me a calming smile and I frown. I have to breathe, I didn't realize I had been holding my breath. I take a deep breath in and out, calming myself down. As I slowly gain control of my breathing again. I look at the green haired boy still baffled that he could have figured out the one thing no one should know. He moves away from the lounge and sits on the chair opposite me. He sat still and his eyes looked dull and for a second I wondered if this was the same person who has been taking care of me for the past hour.

Izukus POV

It is now 8.12. He has been here for over an hour and is now panicking because I know he is Touya. I mean I would be scared if he found out who I was but still. If I wanted to use it as leverage I would have already. I mean I have known for nearly 3 years and I haven't told anyone. Shoot would actually kill me if i told him i knew for all this time but I'm willing to take that risk, i mean it was not like it was my secret to tell so all i could do was keep my mouth shut. I have been good so I haven't nearly slipped up and told him. He takes a final deep breath and I can see in his eyes he is as calm as he is going to get. He looks me dead in the eye and says in a low breath "how?" I smiled, my eyes are still dull, but since he has been staring at them for like 30 seconds now i can't just change it and make them look like there is still life in my eyes because then he will truly know something is up. He has already seen the scars on my wrist so all I can do is hope he doesn't make the right conclusion.

"Well it really wasn't that hard. When you first appeared with LOV I researched all of you. I wanted to understand how you tick so I could understand whether you were 'born evil' like the public assumes all villains are or if you were a group of hurt individuals looking to get some revenge and do the right thing, just in the wrong way. With the help of one other individual I hacked into the HCs file system and I found the mother trove of information." His eyes show a hint of interest and I knew I had his full attention. I continue with my explanation.

"It was not very neat so for the next few months of our first year I just looked through and organized it. By the time I had finally gotten all the information in an understandable manner we went to USJ where LOV attacked. While you and Shoto were trying to get kac-... Bakugou I noticed that you called him by his name and acted as if you knew him. Even with the hair dye and scars you still look similar. Your eyes and face structure were very similar, also your fighting technique was similar. Now every fighter fights differently but the basic structure and training as a child or when first learning do have an impact on how you develop your fighting stance later on. The only way you could have had a similar stance and moves is if you were tought by the same person or it is the one in a million chance but i knew better then to assume it was just a coincidence. So I did some digging into you and found that the first time that the name dabi was reported or someone of your description was seen 6 years ago. The exact same year that Touya Todoroki was presumed dead. But they never found a body and just assumed that it had burnt. For the next six years this dabi character made a name for themselves and a little under three years ago joined the league of villains and is now in the top 20 most wanted. But it was not enough to prove my suspicion so I went deeper." Dabi squirmed in his seat a little, I don't know if he was scared or worried or both but I didn't care.

He saved me... ~Dabideku~ Up for adoption and abandonedWhere stories live. Discover now