Scarred storys-9

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Hello people and cats of this earth! I'm so sorrry i haven't been updating every other day like i said i would, i have had some medical emergency's to deal with in the past little while, but I'm all good now! Now without blabbering on for too long lets get into this! 

Warning ⚠️ there are very sensitive topics in this story, r*pe and abuse. If you are at all uncomfortable or sensitive please click off or scroll to the very bottom, there will be a shortened, censored version of it. This warning ⚠️ symbol will show you where the recap is. Please stay safe and if the disgusting actions in this story have ever happened to you or loved ones I'm so sorry. Please know this is in no way making fun of this abuse. The people who have survived this are so strong and deserve more respect than is given to these people. I'm sorry if you are apart of the many who have lived through this trauma. You are so strong, never forget that. This warning will also follow to the next part, so please remember.

Izuku's POV

I start to run. I just run, I don't stop, i dont breathe, I don't think, I just run. By the time I get to the training grounds by the forest I finally stop. I sat down and just sighed. I take big breaths in and out and my heart soon calms down enough that I can hear myself think, though I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

Oh no no no no no no... this is bad. If he even remotely figured it out he and Tenko will be able to put two and two together. They both know snippets and if they just add it up they will figure it out. This is bad. They might tell dad, he could get pissed! Oh he may be an ass sometimes but he is my dad, there is no way I'm letting Ass Might him. Oh what if they tell someone! Oh he could find out and he will think i told them and then I'm so fucking screwed. But I may be safe. I mean those two are like cats and dogs at each other's throats, they probably won't work together to figure it out... there is no way those two will save me. No one will, I just need to hold in for a few more months and then I'm free. Just 6 months. Oh who am I kidding I will be dead in two... The last sane thought before I go into a full on anxiety attack is that no one will save me, not again.

Mirikos POV

As me and keigo walk to our training spot we see Izuku already there, he normally doesn't show for another 5 minutes... strange. We walk closer and his breathing seems irregular, he is by a tree with his head in his hands... HE IS HAVEING A FUCKING PANIC ATTACK!

I run over to him and keigo notices my distress, he looks at izuku and he makes the same conclusion as he does. We run to each side of izuku and wrap him in a hug. His breathing hitches but he looks me in the eyes and he calms down slightly.

His eyes are so full with panic, what happened to set him off this badly? I swear to Nezu if that walking skeleton hurts him again I'm going to beat his ass so far into the ground they are going to have to dig him out with a drill!

We whisper calming words to him, telling him we are here for him and that he can do it and he eventually stops shaking. His breathing becomes more even, still forced and heavy but steadier.

After 25 minutes he finally comes around to himself again. He looks at us with sad eyes and I can't help but curse the basterds who hurt him that Nezu finds them after they drank all his tea on him. He gives us a shaky smile that we all know is fake and he sighs.

"Sor-rr-y I panicked again. I over tha-a-nk about stuff aga-a-in and before I knew it got out of hand. Sorry for being a pr-pr-oblem, again." His speech was sloppy and patchy. He stuttered half they, he was still struggling. I look at keigo, he nods for me, giving me the to talk.

"Hey Izu, it is not your fault. I know your head is sometimes hard to deal with, it's okay. You are doing great and I'm so proud of you. Just try taking a few deep breaths for us, okay? Remember your breathing technique" He simply nods, not trusting himself to speak again probably.

He saved me... ~Dabideku~ Up for adoption and abandonedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя