V8E7 Warlord

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Standing atop of vilgax's ship, the warlord himself and y/n stand off, both not making a move.

Vilgax: "this will be our final brawl Tennyson. Are you prepared to finally die?"

Y/n: "I'll die fighting. But I'm not dying yet. I still got friends and family waiting for me"

Vilgax: "then I will give them the pleasure of killing them afterwards"

Y/n: "like hell you are"

"100% aura"

Y/n and vilgax began to move towards one another, with vilgax reaching for the sword on his back, and y/n activating the Omnitrix.

Vilgax: "any last words boy?"

Y/n: "yea. I do. It's hero time!"

Y/n pulls back his fist, as a green glow emits from his arms and legs, as they were replaced with the arms of rath, and the legs of crashhopper, as a diamondhead crystal encased his head for protection.

Y/n: "here I come vilgax!"

Using the enhanced jumping from crashhopper, y/n flys towards vilgax, as vilgax swings down his sword. Y/n throws a rath powered punch at vilgax, but right before it made contact, the raths knuckle spike changes into a diamondhead like crystal, letting the two clash.

Vilgax pulls away his sword, and kicks y/n's fist into the ship, and just as the warlord prepares another swing of his blade, y/n changes his arms to astrodactyl, and sent a point blank barrage of energy shots at vilgax's face.

Growing Stinkfly wings on his back, y/n takes flight, as vilgax swipes away the smoke left over from y/n's attack.

"83% aura"

Vilgax: "petty tricks will only get yo so far Tennyson!"

Y/n: "you think that's petty? Nah, this is petty!"

Y/n dives towards vilgax, who swings his sword again, but y/n opens his mouth incredibly wide, as a set of enormous teeth grows in. Chomping down on his sword, y/n rips the blade in half, leaving vilgax with a useless sword.

Vilgax: "what!?"

Y/n spits out the peices of metal, and gave a sharp toothed grin.

Y/n: "rip jaws fangs. Cool, right?"

Vilgax: "how are you doing these things boy?"

Y/n: "my semblance. Pretty cool, huh?"

"78% aura"

Vilgax glares at y/n, then charges at him, as y/n got rid of the Stinkfly wings, rip jaws teeth, crashhopper legs, and replaced the astrodactyl arms with diamondhead arms. Y/n shoots at vilgax with both arms until he got closer, to which y/n completely changed into humongosaur, then punches vilgax away.

Humongosaur: "I've had plenty of practice. So I'm not going down so easily!"

Vilgax: "then it means I must take my time"

Vilgax raises his arm, as multiple guns and cannons took at at y/n, and immediately took fire. But y/n just smirked, and held out his arms, as gravattack's gravity core grows on his stomach. Just as it did, the shots from vilgax's ship started rotating around y/n.

Y/n then changes to XLR8, with the gravity core still on his stomach, and dashes around vilgax's entire ship with the missiles and bullets, and threw them into the ships outer walls. Once done, he zips to a halt behind vilgax, who looks unphased at y/n's action.

Vilgax: "impressive"

Y/n returns to human, and smirks.

Y/n: "thanks. I've done my research on my aliens. Even before I had them"

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