V7E11 With Friends Like These

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Weiss: "Please, think about what you're doing"

Team Omni RWBY and the Ace Operatives are standing in Ironwood's office.

Harriet: "You heard the general. Until this is sorted out, you four are under arrest, and you'll be taken out where to stand"

Harriet brings out her Scroll and hits a button. The blue lights throughout the room turn red, and metal covers the windows. Yang looks at the windows, then at Harriet.

Yang: "Really?"

Vine steps forward, raising a hand.

Vine: "Please. Don't make this difficult"

Blake steps forward.

Blake: "Don't make us have to get out of here by force"

Yang, without a word, deploys her weapons, as Blake and Weiss follow suit. On the other side of the room, Vine activates his Semblance while Harriet and Elm draw their weapons. Marrow waves his hands.

Marrow: "Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not actually going to slug this out, are we?"

Harriet: "We're not doing anything. They decide what happens next... Well, apart from the boy. We have orders to take him out"

Yang: "yea. Like I'm gonna let you lay a hand on him"

Ruby walks over from Ironwood's desk to stand with her teammates and transforms Crescent Rose into scythe form. Marrow sighs and draws his gun. Y/n though... He was standing behind yang, a look of fear plastered on his face. Not just from vilgax, but also ironwood.

Harriet: "You kids really think you're going to stop us?"

Ruby: "alone? maybe... But with all five of us? you don't stand a chance"

Y/n's hand freezes in place, before a smile grew on his lips. Reaching over, y/n activates the Omnitrix, then stands next to his teammates.

Y/n: "well? what are we waiting for?"

RWBY: "it's hero time!"

Y/n slams down on the Omnitrix, transforming into upchuck. He fires out an energy ball from his mouth into the sealed door, which blew it up. This gave Ruby the chance to zoom past the Ace-Ops, right through the hole in the door, with Harriet angrily chases after her with her Semblance. Yang then tackles elm through the hole, and into the main room, with Blake and vine trailing behind both. Weiss however, stayed in the office, taunting marrow towards her, which works.

Y/n slaps down on the Omnitrix, and hops out of the office, joining yang and Blake. But y/n's ”small hop” was stronger than he had thought, and he came crashing in, nearly hitting both vine and Blake in the process.

Blake: "y/n!"

Elm: "vine! Focus the boy! He's down!"

Y/n: "down, but not out!"

Suddenly, a green blur flew at elm. It collides with her, and sent her flying into a wall. The blur was obviously y/n, telling by the Omnitrix on his chest, but now, he resembles a large bipedal grasshopper.

Blake: "new alien again? Please tell me you know how to use it..."

Y/n: "I do! All I need is a name"

Yang: "how about-"

While elm was staggered, Yang grabs her by the arm, and tosses her at y/n, who jumps at her head first, sending her into a pillar.

Yang: "-crashhopper?"

Crashhopper: "crashhopper... I like it!"

Vine wraps his aura arm around elm, before setting her down on her feet.

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