V1E9 black, white, and green

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Stinkfly: "you got anything sis?"

Hana: "nope. Anything on your end?"

Y/n lands ontop of a building, putting away his communicator as Hana lands next to him, while in her alien form. Once she lands, she folds her wings around herself

Y/n: "nothing. Animo is really trying to hide whatever he's doing. So wherever he is, he must have some sort of access to faunus"

Hana: "the white fang maybe? What kind of clothes did the bat faunus guy wear?"

Y/n: "just some black pants. Why?"

Hana: "I think I got a lead! I've snooped around the area for some white fang bases in the city of Vale, I could check around there while you keep eyes in the sky!"

Y/n: "good plan. If you find any leads on animo, call me immediately!! I don't want you getting hurt"

Hana: "uh, hello! I'm the older sibling, I should be saying that!"

Y/n chuckles and holds out his fist, which his sister instantly makes it a fistbump.

Hana: "be careful y/n"

Y/n: "I will"

He turns around and runs off the side of the building, only for a green flash to shine up, and stinkfly to fly past.

Hana: "well. Off to work!"

Hana falls backwards, turning both invisible, and intangible, to float right through the building she was on. She opens her wings and flys through the building to look for one of the white fang bases she's mapped before

And while shy flew place to place, she dotted off the ones she's been off the map, pinpointing it

Hana: "got one more place. If there's nothing in there, then something is definitely wrong. Animo isn't the most quiet of baddies me and y/n took down"

Phasing through the wall of the warehouse, Hana took a look around, albeit, invisible in case there was anyone inside. Once she got to the large opening, she took notice of something she never wanted to see again

Hana: "th-the hell is that thing doing here?"

In front of y/n's invisible sister, laid a large, dead, and rusted robot, with three spider like legs, and clawed hands

Hana: "this isn't good. I gotta call y/n!"

As soon as she reached for her communicator, she froze... Someone was starring right at her, she was so in shock of the robot, that she didn't realize that she turned off her invisibility. The person starring was a short girl, split hair, different color eyes, it was hard to tell what color they were, but her weapon was most likely the umbrella in her hands.

Hana: "ha...hahaha... uh... f-funny joke?"

The girl tilts her head, but shakes it off and immediately ran at Hana, a pointed blade of sorts popping out of the tip of the umbrella. As the girl went in for a stab, Hana turned intangible, letting the umbrella and the girl phase through her.

Hana: "alright little girl, I don't play games!"

The girl was about to swing her umbrella again, but noticed extra weight on it. She looked down at her umbrella to see it mostly covered in ice, nearly reaching her hands.

Hana: "you seem like a smart girl. Now let me ask you something. Why do you have this? Who are you working for"

The girl only shrugs, kicking Hana in the chin, sending her flying back, when the girl lands, she breaks the ice off her umbrella by smashing it again the floor.

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