V4E4 Punished

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Continuing from last time, the man pulls his tail back from Qrow's sword, the red eyes man turns around, swinging his weapon and holding at the ready by his side.

Man: "As I live and breathe… Qrow Branwen. A true Huntsman has entered the fray!"

Ruby gets up with a tear in her eye, and sets Crescent Rose on its end. Qrow glances back at her. But all she did was give a shaky shrug

Qrow: "Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone"

Man: "Why, friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from Her Grace was to retrieve this young girl,and the boy's watch. So, that is what I must do. One does not upset the Queen"

Ruby: " 'queen'?"

Qrow: "salem.."

Ruby: "...who?"

Tyrian: "Hmm, I think we've had enough talk now, don't you?"

Qrow: "You took the words right out of-"

Tyrian rushes Qrow before he can finish voicing the thought and the two begin fighting. Qrow blocks two strikes with Harbinger, then slashes at Tyrian who jumps trying to pierce Qrow as he lands. Qrow dodges then swings but Tyrian back-flips away and rushes back in. The two clash as Tyrian goes flying, he comes to a stop digging his weapons into the ground. He ducks to avoid a slash from Qrow then leaps aside to dodge a horizontal strike. He follows up with a slash, using the force to transition into a kick that Tyrian slides under, then the Faunus tries to strike his back but it is stopped. Tyrian attacks again as Qrow parries several thrusts of his tail. As Tyrian blocks a downward strike pinning him on his knees a roof gets damaged by the shock-wave and he uses The Queen's Servants built-in guns to get free. As Qrow blocks the shots with Harbinger, Tyrian circles him firing a steady barrage. Ren and Nora try to join in, but Tyrian catches their sneak attack and dodges then easily knocks them away. He moves to chase them as the two land back near Jaune and Ruby, but Qrow intervenes to hold him back.

Qrow: "don't come closer!"

Ruby: "fine!"

She takes Crescent Rose to the top of a building and waits for an opening to shoot Tyrian. However, both he and Qrow move too fast for her to get a clear shot. Ruby grimaces in frustration.

Qrow blocks a jab from Tyrian's tail and counters with his own attack; Tyrian parries before retaliating with a slash followed by a kick. Qrow ducks before swinging three times as the Faunus avoids them all, before using his tail as a spring to gain altitude as he opens fire again. Qrow blocks the attack then fires a shot of his own then dodges another thrust. Tyrian manages to uses his tail to disarm Qrow flinging the sword away as he rubs his wrist. This slows things down enough for Ruby to repeatedly shoot at him from the roof, but after the first shot misses an amused Tyrian just deflects each with his tail.

Qrow scoffs before going wide eyed, along with a surprised Ruby. From the ground behind tyrian, green roots began to grow from the ground, before growing some red, and forming into a human like shape, before turning into the one and only-

Swampfire: "surprise!~"

Y/n smashes tyrian's head with a fist on each side of his head, then trips his leg, kneeing him in the stomach, then kicks him away into a wall. Y/n gave qrow a thumbs up, as he went to face tyrian, while qrow went to obtain his weapon.

Tyrian: "Seems as though I went too easy on you"

Swampfire: "I get that a lot. Since so many people are after the watch, but you ain't getting it!"

However, to tick y/n off more, tyrian charges at qrow instead, while the huntsmans back is turned. but the black haired man merely leaps on top of his own weapon that was embedded into a wall, and partially switches it to scythe mode. Using the gun barrels he propels himself to a roof top, Tyrian follows as their battle continues. They appear evenly matched until Qrow notices a damaged beam. He tricks Tyrian into landing on it and the Faunus descends into the building and uses his tail to drag Qrow down, too. As the two land, the remaining roof collapses inward.

Swampfire: "he's trying to get me mad? it's not working!... Mostly... I'm just hurt"

As both y/n and ruby Stare at the dust cloud in concern, ruby descends to street level. Just as she reaches the building, Qrow comes crashing out through a wall, his body bouncing. He tosses Harbinger which lands with its blade in the ground, and Qrow perches atop it. Red flickers of damaged Aura move over his body twice.

Tyrian comes out of the floating dust and grime inside the building, purple flickers moving across his body. As the two begin to strike again, Ruby jumps in between and deflects Tyrian's blades with Crescent Rose.

Swampfire: "what the?! Ruby! Stay back!"

Tyrian: "do you wish to be taken?!"

Ruby: "No! But I won't stand by and watch someone get hurt!"

Swampfire: "always being the hero..."

Both Qrow and Ruby move in to attack Tyrian who parries both weapons and the three clash. He kicks Qrow away then shoots and jabs at Ruby with tail, she blocks and tries to counter but the blow is knocked aside. His eyes glow purple again, Tyrian closes in and almost gets her with his stinger, but y/n was quick enough to grab it and stopped it from getting to her.

Qrow: "Ruby! What did I say?! Get back!"

Swampfire: "I'm with your uncle on this! It's too dangerous for you!"

Ruby: "this is my fight too!"

She attacks Tyrian while he is still in y/n's arm lock by the tail, but his legs arch away from the swing of Crescent Rose, and also cut y/n's arm off the free himself.

Qrow: "No, it's not that. It's-"

Ruby attacks again, and Tyrian moves to her. He flips and sends her back with a two-footed kick. She slides closer to the building and gains her ground, but the wooden beams near the roof have been shaken up too much and a heavy one breaks and descends upon her. Qrow slices it in half so it falls in pieces to either side of Ruby without touching her.

Swampfire: "that's convenient. hm?"

She smiles at him in gratitude and affection, and he raises his head from his stance to look at her, only to gasp in pain as he is immediately cut in the abdomen by Tyrian's stinger.

Swampfire: "qrow!"

Tyrian chuckles at the display, as everyone pauses in shock, but y/n grew in anger, pure Rage. He charges at tyrian, grabbing his face and tail, as both his hands began to heat up... And then...

Tyrian: "AAHHH!!"

y/n picks up tyrian and throws him away, but left in his hand is the burnt off stinger of his tail. Looking up, we can see that tyrian's face also had a massive burn scar on the side of his face.

Tyrian: "you... FUCKER"

swampfire: "then don't hurt my family..."

Tyrian slightly stumbles forward, but y/n instantly growls and lights a pair of fire balls in his hands. Causing the burnt faced Faunus to take a step back instead.

Tyrian: "she'll forgive you..."

Tyrian resolves to make a tactical retreat as Qrow, who had still been upright with his weapon at the ready, collapses to one knee and clutches at the wound, panting heavily.

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow! Are you okay?"

Qrow: "I'll be fine. He just grazed me"

He pulls his shaking hand away to show the blood on it. The other three arrive at his side.

Nora: "Who was that guy?"

Ren: "How did you get here?"

Jaune: "Why are people after y/n and Ruby?"

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow? What's going on?"

Qrow: "...What's your favorite fairy tale?"

Swampfire: "hm..." "If qrow is here. Then that means Kevin isn't that far behind..."

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