Thirty Five

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After me and Sal talked for ages im his room, we decided that it'd be too awkward for his family for me to spend my time at the house couped up in his room so we went downstairs.

I know it was useless since we actually really did something i think i wasn't supposed to do with his whole family here minus Mario.

When we got to the kitchen, Maria was helping Camilla bake something and she teased about me staying in Sal's room for so long and Sal for actually coming outside his room because i told him to.

The looks Camilla was giving me told me she either heard us or she suspected something happened between me and Sal. Its embarrassing and became too much to handle in the long run so i left and went home and Sal walked me home.

He didn't want to stay over though because he said something about his family already having his head for staying in his room for hours with me and didn't need to add to the list. So i let him go not after a number of kisses though.

Since grandma Gen wasn't back from her flower shop, i prepared a bubble bath and settled in and just relived today. Both the good and bad parts and how it all made sense why Alex said Sal was bad news and that i had to stay away from him. Ha! If only he knew.

Instead of staying away from the said "bad news", i went ahead and foreplayed with him and pleaded with him to have sex with me.

My phone rings and i accept the call before putting it on speaker.

"Miss me already?" I ask him

"Wanted to ask if we cam watch the movie now. We have a lot of catching up to do,"

"I'm in the bath right now. And i really need to eat something first before i even think of sitting and watching "Blacklist" with you."


I laugh, "have you decided on the day now?"

"Yeah, on Friday,"

"That's a day away,"


"I thought it'd be longer,"

"Its okay if you Dont want to get one Rosá,"

"No, no, i just didn't expect it to be this early but there's nothing wrong there,"



"Thought you hated it when i called you Rosá, you hated it so much you went and got a tattoo of it,"

"Go fuck yourself!"

His laugh reverberates and i find myself smiling and that beautiful sound

My phone vibrates and i pick it up to see Carla calling.

"I have to go Sal, Carla's calling,"

"Tell her i said hi,"

"I will,"

"Bye," he says before hanging up and i answer Carla's call before i spill the day's details to her.

I tell her everything not leaving even a single detail. What? She's my best friend. I tell her everything. After she's done squealing about the happenings of today i go ahead to tellvher how Sal liked my tattoo and how we'll be complimentary tattoos on Friday

She isn't sure whats going on between me and Sal to make us get complimentary tattoos, neither do i though and I'm not questioning anything. Just going with the flow.

"I'm both excited and nervous in a good way to get the tattoos," i blabber on

"You sound really happy,"

"I am. Sal isn't a bad person. He has his flaws but so do i and still flaws on all he still-" the words get caught up in my throat as my mind goes 1000 miles per second.

I swallow hard the realisation dawning on me. How didn't i realise this earlier? I'm so stupid.

"Sia! Ambrosia!" Carla's voice seems to be far away and somehow I'm able to bring myself back into reality.

"Carl," i whisper the weight of my realisation suddenly too heavy to carry

"Are you okay? You zoned out for a while and got me scared thinking you drowned on me," she jokes but i cant find it in me to laugh.

"Carl i...i-"

"You what Sia?"

"I...i think...i think," i take a deep breath closing my eyes before reopening them, "i think i love him," i whisper

She doesn't say anything for a while.

"Took you long enough,"

"You knew?" I ask her

"You weren't doing a good job at hiding it."

"I cant love him though,"

"But you do! And I know you're scared because of...past experiences, but i feel it in my gut, Sal's different. Just go with this. I love hearing you crazy and fawning over one guy and being all crazy happy,"

"What would i do without you?"

"Die of panic attacks from over thinking?"

I laugh at that because its totally true. If Carla wasn't always there to stop my hyperventilating whenever i overwhelm myself with my thoughts i Dont know what would have become of me.

I also Dont know how this slipped my mind all this time. How didn't i realise sooner that id called for Sal? I mean isn't the person falling in love supposed to know before other people know? Except Carla because she's the one who settles my feelings and thoughts for me but you get what i mean right?

How do i face him now? Do i tell him i love him? I mean maybe he'd leave Carmen for me? I haven't minded Carmen all along but still it isn't just easy to decide what to do with my feelings. I want so badly to discard them and act as if they Dont exist but i know i cant. I understand the emotional overload I've been feeling around him lately.

When the call with Carla ends, i get out of the tub and dress myself in loose clothes before heading downstairs to fix myself a meal before watching Blacklist with Sal. I hope it isn't awkward given my new discovery.


When Friday rolls around, I'm just excited and not nervous anymore. I want to see how our tattoos turn out so i may have gotten up a bit early and gotten ready too quick that i just sat around waiting for Sal to come get me.

It felt like forever till he came to get me. We drove straight to the parlour and then i had to sit and listen to Sal explain the detail of the tattoos we were getting to one of his colleagues who was going to do the artwork.

We ended up getting halves of a whole on the side to outer parts of the skin just below the thumb. Him and i both had a half heart which had feathered wings protruding from the heart half. When our hands were put together, the whole artwork was completed properly and i have to say i love the way it came out.

I may have been against tats that were on very obvious places but i think Sal is getting me addicted to tats so after we finished getting the tats we planned on getting, Sal had to go into the back room cause he wanted to add to his litter of tats and they drew another on him. He wont tell me what its of though.

I also decided to get another obvious tat. I got one with the words "love and strength" written in Chinese from my inner wrist going vertically down my forearm. Naomi added little flower, heart and star details to the words making it even prettier than i thought it'd be.

I think i found my guilty pleasure. Id be lucky if i Dont end up making my whole skin a canvas for them to work and draw on. I Dont know why i never thought of this earlier. I should have gotten my tattoos ages ago but i guess the universe just waited for Sal to make his way into my life so i could get the encouragement to get a tattoo.

After both me and Sal finish getting out other tattoos, we left the parlour and just drove around till we reached the cliff were we just talked and laid till the sun set. It was a beautiful day and i couldn't wish for a better day.



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