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I pushed the shopping cart towards the checkout counter. Its been a quiet week really. I haven't seen Sal in the past days since the last time he was at my grandma's house and I know we Dont get along but its a bummer that i haven't been able to see those tattoos again. They are so beautiful. He's beautiful.

Okay, now i sound like a stupid teenage girl with a crush on the badboy. I might be a teenager but I'm sure we all remember that i Dont do crushes. Nor do i think he's a badboy he just probably suffered a stroke in his jaw which makes him always scowl at me.

I unload the groceries onto the counter bay and the teller starts to account for them whilst she chews loudly on her bubblegum. Like could you chew a little bit more quieter?

I stand there hitting my nails onto the bay while she uses her barcode reader to beap everything through and then toss it aside. Well someone hates their job.

My gaze falls onto my chipped nails. I really need a manicure. Maybe that's something for me to do this summer since it seems it will be a boring break with no friends and spending my days in grandma Gen's house in my room binge watching 'The Good Doctor' and then eating. I might gain some pounds. Do i need more pounds?

That Sal's girlfriend seems to have more pounds than me. Though they are directed in the most amazing places. Would calories naturally settle on my ass and hips if i gained more pounds? Or maybe my boobs? Sal seemed to show his distate for their size.

Ugh! Since when do i care what a guy says about my bust? I've always loved their size. But one comment from some Spaniard and here i am thinking of gaining some weight to increase my bust. Or maybe i should wear bras a bit bigger than my usual size?

"That'll be nine nine nine." the teller tells me

I fish for grandma Gen's credit card and slide it through then start to replace the groceries into the shopping cart. I push the cart out of the shop to where grandma Gen's white Kia-sportage is and start to load the groceries into the back.

I dust my hands when I'm done and push the trunk gently and it continues to lower itself as i push the cart back to where the rest of the carts are.

As i round the car towards the driver's side, i notice the flat tyre at the front. Great. Just great. In this heat now a flat tyre. And it just so happens that i don't know how to change a tyre and i Dont even have a jack. But i do have the spare typre.

Maybe i should just take a cab back home and tell grandma Gen that I'll pick up her car later. Or i could call some mechanic and wait till he gets here.

I'm pretty sure grandma Gen wouldn't appreciate my leaving her car here so maybe i really should just wait. I pull out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans. You're just so great Ambrosia-note the sarcasm. On a hot summer day i chose to wear really tight jeans, sneakers and a loose grey tank top that was really low on the sides so the material of my black sports bra could be seen.

I could have work birkenstocks but no. Sneakers. I could have worn shorts or a skirt-gah! I am not really a skirt person in case you haven't noticed the gah.

I pull my hair into a fist at the top of my head as i wait for the endless ringing. How many mechanics are needed in one day that i have to wait forever to even have my call picked up?

After i talk to some mechanic, I'm told to wait a maximum of ten minutes since the closest mechanic to me is also helping some other civilian. I sit in the driver's seat and play a game on my phone while one of my legs dangles outside the car.

Ten minutes later, i give up on Candy Crush and start to walk around the car in circles hoping that maybe by the time i complete the tenth circle the mechanic will be here. Nope. Still not here. Now i really will remove my sneakers and socks and walk barefooted. But i also know my feet will get fried on this pavement.

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