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My car's headlights beamed on the figure in front of me making him hold his hand above his eyes and squint them. I parked and sighed as i shifted the gear into park.

After i unfastened my seatbelt i dropped from the car closing the door and locking it before shoving the keys into my back pocket. I hope i Dont lose them.

I went home with grandma Gen after the carnival ended and took a quick shower and then helped making dinner for her. I didn't want to miss my meal after how hectic today has been and how i barely had anything to eat.

So after dinner, i told grandma Gen I was going to the bon fire and she was happy i was finally trying to blend in with the other teens from the neighbourhood.

I walked to where Alex was standing waiting for me. He also seemed to have gone home because he had changed into a flannel shirt but the rest of his outfit was just like how it was. I walked over to where he was standing.

"For a moment i thought you ditched me," he says

"I had to help my grandma with dinner. I hope I'm not too late,"

He shook his hand from side to side, "you sort of are but at least we'll be late together."

I chuckle, "yeah that's a relief,"

"You look nice," he says eyeing me up.

I changed from my loose tank top into a v necked tee and blue Jean shorts with sandles. I let my hair loose so it was flowing in the warm breeze of the summer night.

"Thanks," i say as we start the walk to where i can see an orange hue from the fire.

"So you and Sal friends?" He asks

"Not exactly. We're practically neighbours so," i say shrugging

He nods, "You might want to stay away,"

"Why?" I say stopping and looking at him

Alex shrugs. "He wasn't exactly involved with good people at some point. Those type of connection never really end and id really like it if you stay safe,"

I stiffly nod and start walking with him beside me occasionally bumping shoulders with how close to me he was walking.

I cant seem to believe what he just said. Sal? No way. He's a total good boy. There's no way he was or is involved with the wrong kind of people. What kind of wrong people though? Does he do drugs? Of coarse I'm not one to judge if he does drugs because almost every teenage has done them and Sal could be no exception. Maybe he's an addict and had to go to rehab?

My train of thought is brought to a screeching halt when we reach the bon fire where people are sitting around on logs in a circle and there's one girl in the middle standing as she tells a story.

She moves round the fire making various shapes and all as she tells the story and the people are quietly listening to her. I stand there and watch her silvery blonde hair almost look black in the night but also look silver from the light of the fire.

She's wearing jean bum shorts with ballet flats and a tank top. Her wrist is adorned in an array of bangles wide in colour variety.

I stop watching her when she stops telling the story. It takes me a while to notice that she's stopped because she's looking at me and Alex standing there and almost every head sitting around the fire follows suit looking up to where Alex and i stand.

My eyes widen in a brief moment of panic. I hate having to meet strangers. In the sea of eyes i catch a very familiar pair of eyes. Sal has a smirk on his face as he looks at me standing there as if I've been glued to the spot.

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