Thirty One

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I Dont know how long me and Sal stay in each other's arms on the cliff. I think i almost even fall in a calm lull listening to the steady thump of his heart before i feel his arms loosen around me.

I pull away reluctantly and his hand makes its way beneath my chin pulling my head up before he pecks my lips.

"Come on," he says before pecking my lips again

"Where?" I ask not wanting to leave.

When we leave everything about tonight will be erased and i dont want to forget it. Ever. I want to stay here with him as if its only us two in this world.

"You'll see," he says pecking my lips again and then walking away towards the bike.

I have so much to grumble about right now. First, the kisses he's given me recently weren't real kisses. Secondly, i Dont wanna leave this place and go out of our little bubble. Thirdly, i Dont want to go back on that death machine.

I think he notices that I'm reluctant to get on the bike because he chuckles lightly.

"I promise i wont try to kill us this time," he says revving his engine.

I eye him then the bike before releasing a sigh. I also have no way to get back home so i guess its the bike or staying here all night. I'm sure we all know which one wins.

I settle on the bike and wrap my arms around him.

"Ready?" He asks revving the bike again

I press my cheek to his back and nod. He takes off but more slower this time and eases into the traffic. He still goes fast, but this time, he uses a speed that doesn't make my heart jump into my throat. I actually keep my eyes open this time and watch the city whizz by and my hair fly every which way.

Its really amazing to be on a bike. Its better than going for a drive in a car. Here, i feel more alive. More into the moment.

"Woooo! Woohooo!" I yell

He chuckles and revs his engine before increasing the speed slightly.

We drive aimlessly around the city till we stop at some elementary school. Sal kills the engine leaving me to wonder whats going on.

"Whats going on Sal?" I ask him getting off the bike.

"Come on," he says crouching on the side of his bike.

I watch him till he finishes. Was something wrong with the bike? Sounded fine to me.

He stands back to his full height and takes my hand and pulls me with him as he goes through the back gates of the school. They're open. How did he know they're open? Does Maria go to school Here? Is Maria even in elementary school?

We go through the back to the side of the building were lamp posts light the otherwise dark alley. Its dim light so I'm sure no one would be able to tell who we are if they saw us from afar.

"Sal what are we doing here?" I ask him

He presses a finger to my lips to shush me then makes me lean on the middle of the wall.

"Dont move," he says

"Whats going on?" I ask again wondering why I'm to stand on the wall and not move

"Sh," he says

I roll my eyes and watch him look both ways before looking back at me.

"You're gonna need a really long bath after this," he says

My eyes bulge out of my eyes sockets before i notice he reaches into his inner jacket pocket and pulls out two cans. He shakes them and i cannot help the grin that spreads across my lips. I almost jump for joy.

He notices my chashirre grin and he rolls his eyes but there's a smile on his lips too. He shakes one can and then he sprays one line from above me stopping directly above my head.

"You can move now," he says

"Did you just use me as a ruler?" I ask him

"Uh, maybe?"

I shake my head at him before catching the can of paint he throws at me.

"You, my dear Rosá, are going to be a criminal today," he says

I laugh, "how Dont you have a criminal record already?"

He shrugs, "luck i guess,"

"I cant get caught or NYU might just cut me,"

"You wont, that's why theres a bike and not a car,"

"You used the bike when going to do graffiti didn't you?"

He just flashes me a smile before he walks over to the far end of the wall shaking his can before he starts to spray.

I want to watch him work so i stand a few feet behind him and watch him spray.

"You just gonna watch me?" He asks not turning to face me

"All night if i have to," i reply

His shoulders shake as he chuckles. I stand back and watch him work. Its all confusing when he first begins what he's doing. But later i begin to see the detail. Its some sort of a little rose garden. He lets me spray paint the small details.

The rest of the things he spray paints have me wondering what they are even when he finishes painting them. When he gets to the line he drew, using me, he stops. He steps back to admire his work and i have to say, its beautiful.

"Too bad it'll have to be removed soon," I say

"Not really, school doesn't open for another four weeks. They'll probably realise this is here in the coming three or two weeks."

I laugh, "you're evil."

"Come on," he says pulling me towards the wall again.

He sets me where he made me stand as a ruler before.

"Are you allergic to spray paints?" He asks me standing in front of me

I shake my head, "why?"

"Close your eyes," he says

I listen. I hear him shake his can and then i feel his lips on mine the same time i hear his can spraying onto the wall. My ears listen to the strategic spraying of paint while my lips work of their own accord to kiss him back.

I try to put my arms around his shoulders but he removes them and places them flat against the wall. Its not until i feel the paint close to my fingers that i realise he's spray painting a silhouette of me.

Just like when he was starting, his lips leave mine the moment his can stops spraying. I try to stop my heart from beating out of my chest as i catch my breath. I love kissing Sal. I could do it forever and not stop. Maybe I'm mad.

"You can step away now," he says

I step away from the wall and turn to look back. Just as i had thought, there on the wall is an outline of my body. I want it to stay there forever, but i do know graffiti is always removed when realised. This isn't graffiti though, even though it technically is. Its art.

I take a picture of it on my phone for keepsakes. Sal makes us take crazy selfies of us with his artwork behind us saying I'll need those when he becomes famous and i have to prove to everyone that i know the famous artist that he'll be one day.

I laughed a lot. We laughed a lot. We also kissed a lot and i ended up having spray paint on the edges of my body. I had an amazing evening and by the time we rode back home, i was ready for bed. But i knew i needed an extremely long bath session before then.

Even though i know I'll probably regret letting Sal use me as a blue print, id never change anything about tonight.



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