Twenty Six

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Sal leads me to the kitchen and lets me take a seat on one of the high stools surrounding the island. He already set the plates, one on the end of the island and the other on the side.

I take a seat at the side and he brings a  jug of orange juice from the fridge and then he brings a pot to the island. I laugh.

He sits down at the end of the island and takes my plate serving some pasta for me. It smells so nice i have to stop myself from sticking my nose into the pot for a sniff. I'm sure i could live there.

He serves me a fairly large portion than what i normally consume and then i wait for him to serve himself. My eyes widen at the portion he serves himself. It has to be a miniature version of Atlas Mountains.

"What?" He asks after he notices me staring

"Where are you gonna put all that?"

"In my stomach Rosa," he chuckles

"That's...isn't it a bit too much for you?"

He shakes his head a prominent smile on his face, "just enough. Might even add some more as i eat, we'll have to see," he says with a dismissive shrug

"Jesus, how much do you eat?"

"A man's gotta eat okay,"

I roll my eyes as i take a hold of my fork as he does the same. I take a moment to just look at the pasta on my plate. The way it looks so thick and full and so juicy with the sauce and is that asparagus?

"Well?" He says urging me to eat

"So salamander can cook huh," i say twirling some pasta on my fork

He shrugs, "its not really that much. I just love cooking."

I put the forkful in my mouth and the flavours just burst on my tongue. The juiciness and squishiness and amazing softness of the pasta is to die for. It isn't too soft and neither is it too hard and the taste of this wonderful sauce has my taste buds singing for joy. I close my eyes to savour the taste and even let out a small moan at the taste.

When i open my eyes i find Sal looking at me a huge smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes.

"Any good?" He asks

My eyes widen, "are you for real? This is amazing. Probably the best pasta I've ever tasted, just Dont tell my mum,"

He laughs forking his own pasta, "our little secret then,"

Speaking of secrets. We still haven't talked about our hot make out session at the beach. Ever since he got back ta days ago i haven't spent much time with the Rodriguez's.

I needed a break. The way we kissed on the beach was magical, like nothing else mattered and then he just disappeared with Carmen and barely acknowledged me when he was back. I didn't want for him to run to me and pull me into a hug and hot kiss in front of his family but at least acknowledging me would have been okay. I wouldn't have to stress my head out.

I clear my throat and twirl mire pasta on my fork before putting it in my mouth. Still the flavours burst on my tongue and i cannot get over how amazing this dish is.

"You've got to teach me how to make this sauce!" I declare

He chuckles, "you cook?"

"You're not the only one who knows how to put pots and pans on the stove you know,"

"No, nothing like that. I just took you for a baker,"

"Well i do both,"

"How fortunate. I am an awful baker,"

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