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The rest of dinner went on smoothly. I Dont know if it was because Mario was threatened by his own son but he didn't say anything else. The tension in the room was palpable as no one spoke and the only sounds were the clings and clangs of cutlery.

After dinner, Ingrid and Mario went on outside to do i Dont know while Maria and Santi cleared the table. After that, Maria went to check on her brother and Santi went to pick the movie for later. Me and Camilla went to do the dishes before making the snacks for the movie.

I wanted so badly to ask if this was how every dinnertime ended but i knew Camilla wasn't the right person to ask. Though the down part was that the right person to ask is also an asshole. Not like Mario but of coarse he is also an asshat especially to me.

So i pursed my lips till it was time for the movie. Camilla led me downstairs to the basement were a family room was. Santi was in the middle of a game with Sal while Maria was playing dolls with Ingrid as they both lied down on the floor stomach down.

Mario was nowhere to be seen. Did i care? No. I don't think anyone else in the family cared too because the air was totally different from when Mario was around. When he was present, there was a tension in the air as if everyone had to sit up 90° straight and not make a single peep.

Without him, it was so carefree. I watched as Santi beat Sal to a race and started rubbing it in his face before Sal grabbed his little brother in a headlock. Ingrid and Maria watched before they decided to join and Ingrid climbed on Santi's back to weaken him while Maria tickled Sal to help Santi.

Camilla disconnected the boys' game and connected to the movie Santi had picked. I found myself sighing. This was bliss. Family laughter and love. Sibling's fighting and helping the other whilst waiting to watch a good movie. These were one of the times i wished i wasn't an only child or that my family was able to be like this.

Camilla notices me standing there holding a bowl of dip on top of the box of biscuits i made. She hits all four siblings- Sal and Santi on the backside of their heads, Maria on her ass and Ingrid a small pinch- before they notice me and they all start to settle down for the movie.

I settle down on the far corner of the couch after setting the dip and box down. Ingrid and Maria settle down on the floor putting the dolls in front of them and Santi sits on the other end of the couch. Camilla settles next to Santi leaving the only open seat next to me.

Sal realises this as he grabs the remote and he settles down next to me as Santi dims the lights and then tosses blankets. He tosses an orange fleece to Maria- who wraps herself and Ingrid in it- and a blue one to Sal who catches it with one hand while his gaze is glued to the TV with the remote in the other hand.

I watch as Santi settles down next to Camilla wrapping them in an apple green fleece and snuggling close to her. Who knew Santi was a momma's boy? Not me.

I awkwardly look at Sal. We'll have to share a fleece. He clears his throat before he covers our legs with the blue fleece and presses play on the remote. The movie starts to play and i dip a chip into the dip before popping it into my mouth.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and j pull it out to see a text from Carla.

I do not understand why I'm being avoided like the plague~ My other half❤

I chuckle before i type in a reply promising her a long face time tonight if she stays up late.

Just as I'm about to tuck my phone back into my pocket it lights up again with another text. This time its Alex, who i haven't been able to talk to since the party might i add. Crazy how i went there with him and we only talked for like twenty minutes or less before he went on to join the game and gave me a crazy lap dance and then he was poof! Gone for the rest of the night.

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