"Oh God."

"You need it. Tell you what, I'll take the other half. Then we'll be all cuddly and sleepy for hours."

"And what if I have another bad dream?"

"Then you'll startle awake and pass back out. Tiring if it's for weeks like it was for me. But it won't be for you. You're going to be okay. We're okay." Bokuto tucked a curl behind Akaashi's ear. "Goodness, you need a haircut, lovebug."

Akaashi smiled. "Yeah..."

"Here." Bokuto handed him his water. Akaashi took the medicine and Bokuto took his half. "You ready? You got comfortable clothes on?"


"Grab a good blanket and snuggle up."

Akaashi grabbed his favorite blanket and put his back against Bokuto's chest, holding Bokuto's hands. Bokuto eased one down and rubbed Akaashi's hip and thigh.

"Your poor heart is going so fast. Breathe slowly hun. I'm here, nothing is going to happen to you."

"I'm calm," Akaashi whispered. For a whole fifteen minutes Bokuto whispered to Akaashi, rubbing his hip with a thumb. It was a long while of soft hums as a response and then silence. Perfect, peaceful silence.

Akaashi was knocked out, snoring softly. Bokuto just hugged him closer, smiling and now giving up his fight with the medication he'd been given. He knew it was fast and only half a tablet was the dose. He did feel bad for lying but he did not feel bad for calming Akaashi down. His anxiety had become almost crippling lately and if the lying made it better Bokuto was okay with that.


Bokuto groaned, sitting up. The sun was peeking through a part of the curtains, shining on his face. He got up and hobbled to the window, closing the curtains. His nightlight was still on luckily and he saw Akaashi still fast asleep, buried under blankets and pillows. Bokuto just smiled and slipped back into bed behind him.

This was going to be a siren free day unless it was bath day. Bokuto adored bath days sometimes.

Akaashi was beautiful both ways but wow that tail- his lovely eyes, the way his scales traveled up his waist. He was stunning.

Akaashi huffed softly and turned over. Bokuto chuckled softly. He could remember when Akaashi would sleep in the same position for a day straight and just stay. He had grown out of that habit and was now freely laying where he wanted. This included halfway on Bokuto apparently too.

Bokuto just kissed his temple and huddled close. "Easy... easy."

Akaashi whined quietly, shoving his face in a pillow. Ten more hours of his sweet little grabs and he'd wake up. Bokuto would hold him for one more before grabbing his sunglasses and getting something to eat.

He shuffled and limped around, his body aching with exhaustion. This injury was taking everything out of him.

He limped upstairs to the bathroom and washed his face and checked his head. His stitches were gone but there was still a fleshy pink line where he'd cut open his head. "Shit that's ugly..."

He grabbed his scar cream and a fresh bandage. Everything was fixed up and he returned to bed, grabbing back onto his tossing and turning lover. He wrapped around him and Akaashi cooled down again. Akaashi was now drooling into the crook of Bokuto's neck, mumbling nonsense. For a moment Bokuto questioned reality and if people could get high off of sleep meds in their sleep.

Akaashi did start to move a bit more though, whiny. Bokuto recognized it as a nightmare and sat up, holding Akaashi as he did so. Akaashi calmed back down and just clung to Bokuto's shirt. "There we go..."


"Good morning sleepy head!" Bokuto called out from the kitchen.

Akaashi rubbed his eyes, shuffling to Bokuto. "Why weren't you in bed?"

"I woke up."

Akaashi nodded and sat in Bokuto's lap, wrapping around him and kissing his temple. "Love you."

Bokuto laughed. "I love you too." He eased Akaashi back and stared at his tired eyes. "Babe, your eyes."

"They're not blue, are they?"


Akaashi mustered up his energy and changed them back. "It's hard to keep them for long with that medicine."

Bokuto nodded. "As soon as I get better we'll look for a doctor for you and get you medicine to help with your anxiety and sleeping. Sound good?"

Akaashi nodded before putting his head down. "I'm hungry."

"I'm sure you are."

Akaashi sat up. "Eggs?"

"It's a little late for that but we can do that."

Akaashi nodded before laying back down.

"Babe I can't lift you with my foot like this."

Akaashi hummed softly. "I'll wait."

Bokuto chuckled and leaned back a bit, holding Akaashi to his chest. "Alright baby, just rest there."

Akaashi laughed. "Baby..."

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