Author's Note: Surgery Done

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Hello guys I had my fallopian tubes removed, due to health reasons, and I'm currently recovering from it, I won't update awhile until I feel a bit better.
The cramps from this procedure are intense just like......well exactly like my cycle disorder cramps, causing my blood pressure to go up, and I have no blood pressure issues, but the nurses were concerned, but I told them, when in pain, my blood pressure goes up even with migraines they do.
It burns to urinate no joke, my stomach is sore, including my shoulder cause they also burned my uterus to help control my cycle disorder.
I'm gonna be out of commission resting for awhile cause I do heal slow, it's the genes.
I will not write steamy scenes for awhile.
I will update as I said when I am feeling better.

But I will read fanfics that I prefer whilst I recover.
During pre-op they had issues getting an IV in me and I nearly fainted each time, cause my needle phobia.
So they had to take breaks in putting the IV in each time.

They poked me five times, so I have bruises allover both arms from their attempts, which also make it hard to write too.
I do write laying down due to back problems and leg problems.

The surgery went well, my doctor was so nice, and I love her, she's the nicest doctor I've had besides my regular doctor, and my shunt specialist.
I'm so happy I had this done cause with all my disabilities and health issues, I decided that children isn't for me, especially since I have a mind of a 5 year old mixed with a 17 year old due to trauma.
And technically I can't take care of myself well, so babies aren't a good idea, especially if they can kill me if they grow in me, which was why this was decided that I get sterilized.
I did it for my own health.
I'm happy about it to be honest, because if a  child should suffer like I did with disabilities and health issues they are born with, which could be inherited from me, the guilt would be too much.

The cramps are letting up a little, which is good, but I could barely eat due to my throat is sore and swollen from them having a tube down my throat, but I ate a little bit of soup.
In any author's notes I'll let you know how I fair in recovery and decide when to update anything, to keep you guys informed on how I recover and my health.

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