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Here's the next chapter guys.

Warning mature content ahead, you have been warned.


I had to go the next day to guard Loki as usual, though I wanted to run away and not face him, I had to indeed do this job, to actually get my 50,000 dollars salary that is keeping me afloat, and I send some of it to my mother to help support her, and my sister too, though my sister is a teenager, and is a prodigy genius, and she does live alone at seventeen, and is in college, so yes I would send money to help them both.

But to find out that Loki used his magic in a violent way to kill Elliot out of pure rage and jealousy took the cake for me, showing me that Loki doesn't think things through like Mister Stark says, and acts on impulse, and the impulse was for him, is him getting rid of Elliot so I no longer am plagued by Elliot to stalk me or hurt me anymore.
But the question is how did Loki kill him?
How could he reach Elliot when he's in his cell clear across the state?
That's what puzzles me, unless he cast a spell to track me, and then use a sorcery clone to kill Elliot?
I don't know what happened to be honest, but Loki acting out that violently made me want to run away again, and I was thinking of maybe resigning from this job, but I know I need the money, and if I resigned I wouldn't have a place to live, so I had no choice but to stay at this job, where Loki is now infatuated with me, that he claims I cure his loneliness, and his depression over his mother's death is destroying him at the moment.

Her death was hitting him like a ton of bricks it seemed, and I tried to comfort him, but then he confessed he killed Elliot somehow out of rage and jealousy.
Him as he quoted seeing red.

I admit jealousy rules Loki's behavior, he is easily overcome by jealousy, and his impulsive behavior is something to not trifle with, especially if he can kill Elliot easily, that means he could kill me just as easily as he did Elliot, which petrifies me, because he could lose his temper at me and harm me, when his strength is inhuman and could hurt me bad, especially if he can lift 8,000 pounds of weights, and like Thor said fought monsters along with Thor.

Asgard must've been an active place for monsters if Loki and Thor used to work together and fight monsters on a daily basis, and yet survived each encounter, and to be honest I wouldn't want to encounter a monster on Asgard, but rather run away from it, knowing I'd be gobbled up by a monster in seconds, and become a pile of monster shit later, like in Jurassic Park 3 movie, the scene with big pile of the dinosaur poop.

Asgard would be the worst place for me to live because of that factor about monsters, and I would never want to visit there, though I am curious about what Asgard's like, but alas I think I'm better off on Earth, living the life I have.

I walk with my purse down to the elevator, and go inside it, pressing the bottom to the cavern bottom floor that Loki resided at, and the elevator shuts, and descended down, and soon it dinged, opening the doors, which I go down the hall the gun toting security thing is at, and I pull my card key from inside my bra under my breast, and it scanned it, then it puts it's guns away, letting me through, and I walk up to Loki's cell, and today he wasn't in his crumpled clothes from yesterday, but in his usual leather gold, green, and black Asgardian outfit, and he was holding one of the spider erotic romances I am allowing him to read, him flipping the page with his forefinger and thumb, and his skin wasn't clammy today, and it had a little bit more color, which is a good thing.

I ordered a door dash order for myself from McDonald's, two meals, because he needed something to eat, and I told Finn I'd take care of Loki's meal, but I also brought some pudding called Dirt I made, which is chocolate and vanilla mixed pudding with mint Oreo cookies crushed on top of it.
I was holding the container I put it in, and set it on the table in front of my chair, and say.
"I brought you a treat Loki.
I made it myself.
Pudding called Dirt."

Heaven's Will {Loki Fanfic{18+}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora