Chapter 15 - Reparation

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Much like at the beginning of the year, Hermione started distancing herself from the other students.

She ate quick meals alone in the Great Hall. She woke early, did extra studying before classes and during breaks, went to bed early, rinse and repeat.

She waited anxiously, wondering if Ginny would tell anyone. Her friend- rather, ex-friend now- ignored her completely.

Hermione imagined people might have questioned Ginny about why she suddenly wasn't hanging out with Hermione Granger anymore though whatever answer Ginny gave, she didn't divulge anything about Hermione's secret relationship. Perhaps because, despite Ginny's disapproval, she didn't think it was right to air out someone else's business. Perhaps it was a last, merciful gesture to the friendship they once shared.

Either way, Hermione did not hear a single peep suggesting her and Draco were an item.

No, if people avoided her, it was because she was still studying with a group of Slytherins, which had now expanded to include Blaise and a very grumpy Daphne.

"I don't see why we need to study with them, we were doing perfectly fine on our own," Daphne scowled, eyeing Luna and Hermione distastefully.

Hermione opened her mouth to retort but Blaise beat her to it.

"Weren't you just griping about getting an A on your Wolfsbane essay? You need the help more than I do and, frankly, I'm growing tired of you pestering me to correct your work."

Theo sniggered while Daphne pursed her lips in disdain and haughtily tossed her blond hair over her shoulder.

Their suspension from the library had finally lifted though Draco and Ginny remained banned until the end of the month. This meant Hermione found herself surrounded by Slytherins and Luna, with no Draco.

It interesting dynamic to say the least.

Theo was by far the most talkative, though Daphne came in close second. They complained together or bickered mostly. Tracey tittered every now and then, but didn't say much else. Blaise was always somewhere between bored and amused, though his amusement seemed to happen more in his head than by anything anyone said.

Every now and then, Luna would say something entirely out of left field that would make Tracey smile and everyone else stare.

Interesting was definitely the word for it.

They didn't address Hermione much, though she didn't feel left out either. No one asked her any questions about the war, nor made any unwelcome comments on her blood status, which was a huge relief. Topics gravitated around homework, school life and a bit of Slytherin gossip.

"I can't believe Draco had to go and get himself suspended from the library. He's been dodging me constantly and I was counting on cornering him here today," Daphne whispered to no one in particular.

Theo snorted.

"Give it a rest, Daph. He's not interested and, by the looks of it, Astoria's lost interest as well. Not following him around like a pathetic puppy anymore from what I've gathered."

"He can't just wiggle out of a betrothal- his mother will have a fit. Our parents are putting enough pressure on Astoria as is, and his parents were always worse than ours when it came to following traditions."

"Parent, you mean. He's only got one, now," Blaise murmured.

"Well, with Lucius gone, I expect Narcissa will be even more adamant that Draco find a nice, society lady to continue the Malfoy line and Astoria is the most eligible one on the market right now."

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