Chapter 10 - Suspicion

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Hermione knew that Draco was, by no means, a late riser, but she had still managed to wash, dress and plait her hair by the time he roused at the ripe hour of six thirty in the morning.

The sun was rising, the birds were chirping and Hermione was pleased to take in the full beauty of the luscious garden colours in the daylight - though she couldn't dawdle. She was a woman on a mission. As she returned inside the tent, she saw Draco turn over in bed, his eyes peeling open as the sun filtered in through the open flap.

"Rise and shine! I'm off to the library soon, I want to be there at eight sharp when it opens, to investigate the book before class!" Hermione notified him brightly as she swept inside. "I made a tub appear over there if you want to wash, and there are still some grapes and cheese left. I noticed the cooling charm you put on the basket, very clever I must say."

Draco mumbled something unintelligible as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Wuh...Where are we?"

"The Room, of course!" Hermione trilled, double-checking she packed all her books for class that day.

Draco rolled over and peered, bleary-eyed, as Hermione gave her bag a satisfied pat and buckled it closed.

"So it wasn't all a dream then? Us declaring our undying love and eternal affection for one another," he drawled.

Hermione's cheeks pinkenned. She felt her body heat at the mention of love. It felt so new, so fresh. But it also somehow felt right.

She sat on the bed next to him. He looked awfully charming with his hair mussed and his eyes still half open in a relaxed sort of way.

"No, it's all very real," she murmured, and kissed him.

It was hard not to get carried away kissing Draco. His lips were soft and clung to hers in a way that made her quiver.

Before she knew it, her hand was sliding down his torso and over the sheets that barely covered his hips. All thoughts of her morning plans walked right out the door as Draco took her hand and placed it firmly over the second tent he had managed to pitch in less than twelve hours. They both groaned.

This was nonsense. She had to be somewhere. The love poisioner was out there somewhere and they-

Draco's hand wrapped around hers, forcing her to squeeze his morning wood over the sheets. He groaned louder. She revelled in the sounds he made at her touch. She couldn't resist stroking him once just to watch how his body tensed. She could feel a wet spot on the fabric from his precum. Her lips were slightly parted as she watched him react each time she stroked him.

Merlin, he was hot.

She kissed him harder, stroking him faster. He was groaning into her mouth. His tongue searched for hers frenetically. Her hand slipped under the sheets and she felt the warm veins of his cock press into her palm. She stroked him once more, spreading his precum up and down his length.

Wanting Draco was like eating at a buffet but never feeling satiated. She always wanted more.

Finally, she managed to wrench herself away from his lips.

"We shouldn't- I have to be at the library and-"

Draco was looking at her with a mix of despair and incredulousness.

"Hermione, have mercy. You wouldn't leave a poor man like this,"

He gestured to his weeping, rock-hard cock that was now free of the sheets, pointing sky-high.

Hermione bit her lip. Her pussy clenched. She wanted him badly.

"W-we...we don't have time-"

"Let's make it quick then."

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