Chapter 14 - Division

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The first week back was refreshing.

Hermione easily stepped back into the routine of classes and homework. She liked keeping busy and, being at school, she felt a sense of purpose that she'd missed over the holidays. She liked having a set schedule.

The days filtered by in a blur of studying, socialising, meals, and activities. She ended each day with a TeleGalleon chat. Her nighttime ritual formed quickly with a goodnight to the girls, a Silencio on her four poster hangings, and a call to Draco where they could talk about their day. It felt like such a normal, couple thing to do that it made Hermione less ornery over the fact that Draco still insisted on keeping their relationship a secret.

She also apparently had a study group now.

After potions that week, Hermione and Draco were surprised to find that not only did Theo follow them to the library, but Luna and Tracey did as well.

"Oi," Theo whispered harshly as Luna drifted over to their usual library table, holding Tracey's hand. Tracey now sported a pair of radish earrings, which Hermione thought suited her rather well.

"What're you lot doing here? This is an exclusive study group."

"I'm your potions partner, and Tracey is working on Runes with me," Luna answered, unruffled.

"How are we supposed to concentrate while you chitter away about rocks? Canoodle at another table, why don't you?"

"Ignore him, you can both stay," Hermione countered brusquely in a voice that was slightly above a whisper.

Theo gaped at her.

"You're just going to let anyone barge into our group?"

"Like how you barged in, you mean?" Hermione shot back, "Here, look over my Charms essay, would you? Yes, yes and I'll take a peek at yours."

Hermione had to grudgingly admit Theo's advice had been sound when Slughorn returned her essay that afternoon with an O+.

"I don't think there's such a thing m'dear, but you've earned it! Edifying as always, of course, but I was amazed you stayed within the parchment length! Short and sweet as they say! Still, your points are as astute as ever Miss Granger, so an O+ it is as you've earned it! The first ever student to be awarded with such a high mark, well deserved, well deserved. You shall go far, mark my words!"

And of course she'd seen Theo smirking away in his corner while Draco looked at her with far too much amusement, but she had been too pleased by Slughorn's high praise to be completely bothered.

She was snapped out of her reverie by Theo turning on Draco.

"You're awfully quiet. And you're okay with this? With Looney and Miss-Not-Even-In-Potions just parking their arses next to us?"

Draco didn't even look up from his book.

"Don't care," he stated with disinterest.

Theo narrowed his eyes.

"Aren't you the mellow one. What's changed? You used to be so easy to rile up."

"We all have to grow up one day. Even you, Theo," Draco drawled, turning a page.

Theo pouted.


Theo opened his books with a dramatic flourish, pulling Hermione's essay closer to him.

"Fine, fine, I can see when I'm outnumbered. I suppose Granger is the ringleader of our little group then, eh?" He mimicked the sound of a cracking whip, miming the movement.

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