Chapter 8 - Interrogation

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"What's gotten you in such a good mood?"

"Hmm? Oh, just happy to be out with such nice weather."

Hermione and Ginny were sauntering through the streets of Hogsmeade on a chilly October afternoon. The trees were colorful, the skies were blue and Hermione was trying not to think about her night with Draco while with Ginny.

They admired store displays and Ginny shared the latest news with Hermione.

"So Neville and Hannah are going to the Ball together as an official couple, though they've pretty much been joined at the hip all week. Luna also told me that she's taking Tracey Davis! They honestly look sickeningly cute together and I'm a little upset I didn't see this one coming."

"Ooh, Luna told me she was going to ask her, so really glad it all worked out! Speaking of which, Luna gave me some sound advice the other day."

"Oh?" Ginny asked, turning away from a display of wizarding robes that were charmed to bang on the windows when people passed by.

"She told me I might be happier if I asked someone to the Ball instead of waiting around. So Ginny, would you do me the honor of going to the Halloween Ball with me?"

Ginny made a show of swooning dramatically, her hand on her forehead.

"Why Hermione, darling! I thought you'd never ask! I'd be simply delighted!"

Hermione grinned and looped her arm with Ginny's. She could think of no other person she'd rather go with. She was still discovering whatever she had with Draco, and until she knew where it was going, she had no desire to pursue anyone else. That said, she also enjoyed the privacy of their tryst and didn't fancy the idea of causing a scandal by publicly asking him as a date. She'd decided a friendship date was just the thing she needed.

"I must say, I'm a little surprised. With the amount of invites you received, I thought at least someone would tickle your fancy. I hope you didn't say no to Dean because I went out with him. Dean and I are ancient history and I think you'd both actually be cute together."

Hermione shook her head.

"Thanks Gin, but I think I just haven't felt any chemistry with anyone who's asked me. Besides, I'm looking forward to going with you and just having a relaxed time with no stress."

"I hope Ron didn't kill your romantic side. He's a bit of a dolt sometimes."

"No, no, don't worry. We truly did end things amicably. To be honest, I haven't thought of Ron much-"

You've been too busy shagging Draco.

"-Since the start of term. It's been a bit of an intense year."

Ginny smiled understandingly.

"I know what you mean. It's surreal to be back, isn't it? Just going about our daily lives as if the war didn't happen. Harry's been asking about you, you know. Sends me weekly owls to catch up. He misses you. They both do."

Hermione gave Ginny's arm an affectionate squeeze. Ginny grinned.

"You really do seem better lately. I was worried about you for a while, you were so absorbed by homework, like more than usual that is, and you always looked kind of down. But you seem to have your old cheer back and I'm glad to see it. Whatever you've been doing, keep doing it, because it's good to see you out and about looking happier."

I've been doing Draco Malfoy.

Hermione blushed at the intrusive thought. She was grateful her cheeks must've already been pink from the cold.

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