Chapter 4 - Transaction

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The next time they met, Hermione felt that the mood was different. The dynamic between them had shifted.

There was no more pretence. They both were clearly using Amor Videri to escape their reality together. Which included shagging.

Hermione could hardly believe she had gotten herself into this...whatever weird thing this was. She wasn't even sure if she could call it friends with benefits since she didn't know if Malfoy and her were even friends.

At the same time, she had confided in him about her parents, and he had shared a painful part of his past. Even if they weren't friends so to speak, she did trust him. If anything, they were business partners, fulfilling a mutually beneficial agreement. It seemed cold to put it that way in her mind, but Hermione found it fit their situation the closest.

She was the first to arrive and she waited nervously, fidgeting next to the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, who seemed too busy teaching his trolls ballet to notice her. Thank goodness. She didn't fancy being quizzed by a nosy portrait just in this moment.

Malfoy was fifteen minutes late. Hermione had begun to feel foolishly stood up so she was in a bit of a mood when he arrived.

"This whole thing is embarrassing enough without you making me wait outside, wondering if you'll show!" She huffed with her arms crossed, as he strode up to her.

Malfoy arched his eyebrow.

"I got held up," he said evasively.

She noticed his tie was crooked and his hair was slightly mussed. He looked calm as usual, however.

"Is everything okay?" Hermione asked, unfolding her arms.

Malfoy shrugged.

"I'll open the Room."

Hermione frowned, recognizing the pointed subject change.

"Fine, but less velvet and hearts this time."

"Not much of a romantic, Granger? Not even a cherub or two?"

Hermione snorted loudly, "I'd hardly qualify what we're doing as romantic" she scoffed though she felt her cheeks heating up.

Malfoy studied her for a moment and finally answered "Fine, I'll keep it simple."

A fancy bronze door with a gold frame materialized with the Room number 483 engraved on a plaque.

When they entered, Hermione gasped.

Windows from floor to ceiling spanned the far wall revealing a picturesque cityscape. Long, white curtains cascaded down on the sides. Rich Persian rugs stretched along the floor. The furniture was elegant and European, with gold trims and tones of brown and beige. Warm globes of light floated above their heads. A king size bed with far too many decorative, tasselled pillows was the main attraction.

It was a hotel room and clearly one of the richest Hermione had or ever would set foot in.

"This is....simple?" Hermione said shrilly.

"We're in the Morgen Stern, a wizarding Hotel in Germany. My father and mother took me here once for the Quidditch EuroCup. There's the connecting door that leads into their chambers. And yes, it's one of the simpler five star hotels, internationally speaking."

Hermione approached the windows and looked down. A perfect replica of wizarding Berlin spanned before her. Even the feel of the glass on her palm felt real. Not for the first time she marvelled at the magic it must've taken to design such a Room in Hogwarts.

"That sounds incredible. It must've been a really nice memory for you to recreate this room so vividly."

"It was. One of my happiest actually."

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