"I think the both of you have a lot to talk. Rose and I will go grab some groceries." Jisoo said as we exited our car at our apartment building.

"Thanks Jisoo, thanks Rose." Jennie replied.

She then reached out to hold my hand as we headed up.

"Baby, I'm sorry my parents put you through an emotional rollercoaster." Jennie started as we sat on the couch.

"I can understand why they did that. So don't feel bad." I brushed my thumb across her knuckles.

"What you said back there. I... I..." Jennie was lost for words.

"I meant every word. I know we haven't been together long. But I'm sure about my love for you." I assured her.

"I meant what I said too. About marrying you. I hope that doesn't scare you." Jennie said worriedly.

"No, it doesn't. Remember the day you picked me up at the airport? The elderly woman?" Jennie nodded. "She was standing by me while I was waiting for my luggages. And I was thinking about you. It was that moment I realised that I loved you and I said it out loud. That lady told me to cherish each moment and how she wished her late husband and her shared their feelings sooner so that they could have a few more years of happiness together."

"Wow..." Jennie said. "Thank you Lisa. Thank you for loving me."

I smiled at Jennie and leaned in to kiss her. "I want to kiss you for the rest of my life."

I pulled away and held Jennie close. The both of us have a couple of emotionally draining days.

"Can you bring me to the zoo tomorrow?" Jennie looks up at me and laughed. "Hahaha! Of course."

"Really? Great! Thank you so much! Alright, see you soon, bye!" We were at the airport getting ready to board our flight back when I received a work call.

"What is it babe?" Jennie asked.

"The unit beside Zero Three, I got it!" I answered excitedly and the 3 of them got hyped too.

"Rosie, you know what this means!" I shook her shoulders.

"Yup, right back to work for me when we touch down." Rose said with enthusiasm.

"Thank you Rosie!" I hugged her.

"Congrats Lisa!" Jisoo hugged me too. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

"Put in a good word for my cafes and recommend them to your friends. That would help a lot!" I requested.

"Haha! Our whole building knows about Zero Three. Jisoo has been bragging about it. Not to mention, their boss is dating the owner." Jennie winked.

"Thank yous! I'm going to be a little busy when we get back then." I said leaning back on my seat.

"I'll be a little busy too. We've been away for a couple of days and my emails are flooded." Jisoo said pouting at Rose.

"No worries. I'll be at Zero Three more often now since I'll be doing up the unit beside. So you can come over once you're done at work?" Rose suggested and Jisoo nodded aggressively.

"I'll catch you there too baby?" Jennie turns to me. "Yup!"

Ever since we got home, I have been working till late into the nights. Jennie has been very understanding but I felt guilty for neglecting her.

"Jennie? Baby? You don't have to work tomorrow do you?" I asked her as she was driving me home from work.

"No I don't. Do you need something?" Jennie asked gently.

"Yes, I need a date with my girlfriend." I answered her in a baby voice and Jennie immediately pulled up to the side of the road.

"You don't have to work tomorrow?"

"Nope. I took the day off. I want to spend time with you. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Of course baby! Haha!" Jennie smiled.

"I'm sorry I haven't been able to spend time with you because of work." I apologised to Jennie.

Jennie reached out to cup my face tenderly, "I understand, my work can get crazy too and when that comes, I'd appreciate your understanding."

I turned my face to kiss her palm, "I love you Jennie."

"I love days like this

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"I love days like this." I commented as Jennie and I were out for brunch.

Jennie looks at me tenderly, "Me too babe. I love spending time with you especially after a long work week."

"Shall we go for a holiday once our work quietens down?" I threw in an idea.

Jennie perked up, "That actually sounds really good! Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere with you and away from work."

"Hahaha. Okay! That isn't too difficult. Are we going to ask the other 2 along?" Jennie asked.

"I think they would kill us if we didn't invite them." I laughed. "Rosie spend most nights over at Jisoo's. She might as well move in with her."

"Will you be okay with that though? I mean, you and Rose have been living together for like what, your entire lives?" Jennie asked.

"We both know that there will come a time where we will start our own families and all. Living apart doesn't change our friendship and we both know that." I answered thoughtfully. "I will always have her back and I know she will always have mine. We also agreed to keep this house so that when our families visit they can stay there."

"Lisa, what are your thoughts of us living together?" I could hear the nervousness in her voice.

I have no doubt that I want to spend the rest of my life with Jennie. "Can I share with you something honestly?"

Jennie nodded for me to continue. "Our first date, if you had asked me to marry you, I would have said 'yes'. So us living together, I would love to. I know I am ready to commit the rest of my life to you. I want us to be on the same page when making such big decisions. So if you are certain, let's do it. If you're not, I'll wait."

"Really? You would have said 'yes'?" Jennie asked, she's surprised.

"Jennie, like you, I don't go into relationships if I'm not certain. Jungkook was just to please my mother, that doesn't even count. But I know I would do everything in my power to make things work with you."

"I'm so lucky you're mine." Jennie rested her elbow on the table holding her head. "Let's move in together then? When Jisoo and Rose does the same? So at least no one is alone in your place all the time? Would you want to move in to mine or should we get a new place together?"

"We could stay at yours? But could I pay you though? I mean, I'd want to contribute."

"That's silly babe. The house has been fully paid. There's nothing to pay for. And stop. Why are you being calculative with me?" Jennie squinted her eyes at me. "If it was me moving into your place, would you take a cent from me?"

"Of course not!"

"Exactly. So don't talk such things with me." Jennie said as a matter of factly.

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