IV - Confirmation and Proposal

Start from the beginning

Few minutes later


Me and Shirasagi-san are now currently on the school rooftop. Shirasagi-san looked at me with her arms folded and asked me....

Chisato: Rinko-chan, you said that you and Riku are childhood friends right?

Rinko: Y-yes....me and Riku were friends when I was 7. It was when I entered a piano contest where he also competed. He came to me and said that I performed differently from the others; after that, we became friends. You know him too, Shirasagi-san?

Shirasagi-san nodded and her eyes closed as she answered my question.

Chisato: I met Riku by chance when I was beginning my career as an actress. I was 8 back then. I remembered that he was with his father, and he was wandering around. He met me as I was practicing my role, and he offered help. At first, I was on guard that he might do something, but after seeing how honest he is in trying to help, I gave in, and surprisingly, my acting improved a bit when he helped, and we kind of got along and became friends.

Rinko: So he's helping you with your acting back then?

Chisato: Yes. I owe everything to him for where I am now. Did you know that I tried to convince Riku to pursue a career in acting?

Rinko: Eh? Really?

Chisato: Yes, I did. But he flatly refused. He said that acting was not his style; he prefers music over acting because being an actor is a pain.

Me and Shirasagi-san just chuckled after that. What Shirasagi-san just said is very like Riku, very honest on what he says and very blunt.

Chisato: Now that's out of the way, I want to ask you something and I want you to answer me honestly.

The atmosphere suddenly got intense as Shirasagi-san said that to me, but what I didn't expect is what she asked me next.

Chisato: Rinko-chan. Do you love Riku?

Rinko: Eh?

My brain shut down for a moment as she said that as my face began to turn redder than a tomato.

Rinko: E-E-Eh!! Why did you ask me that!?

Shirasagi-san just looked at me with a serious face and asked me the same question again.

Chisato: I will ask you again Rinko-chan. Do you love Riku?

She asked me that again, and my mind is a total wreck right now. How will I answer this? As I try to find a way to answer, I see Shirasagi-san looking at me, waiting for my answer.

She's serious. Seeing how serious she is, I try to regain my composure and answer her question honestly. There is no backing down now.

Rinko: Yes. I love Riku.

Chisato: How and when did you fell for him?

Rinko: At first, I only saw him as a friend. But as time went by we were together, my feelings for him started to change. From hanging out, playing games, and teaching me new ways on the piano that I didn't even know, he gave me confidence. He did so much for me without even asking for something in return, and that's when I fell for him. I plan to confess my feelings for him, but...

Chisato: But what?

Shirasagi-san questioned me as I continue.

Rinko: He told me that he was going overseas for a long time to continue his career in music. My heart shattered when he said that, and I was trying to hold back my tears at that time. Before I gave the thought of running away from him, he made a promise to me.

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