Nanon ruminating

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Nanon's take on his partner, interview with GQ men's magazine, "Ohm is an extremely hard working person with conviction and discipline. You can see it in his performance graph. He excelled at drums and guitar right from childhood. His skills at singing and dancing have improved as u can see in the Thailand Fanmeet. With his body ripped, face so charming he should already be walking for LV or Saint Laurent. I would love to work with him on more projects but with an intriguing storyline".

Nanon relaxing on a bench with a booklet of unfinished assignment flapping on the desk in front of him, in the theatre hall of his University, looking at the ceiling (head laid back on the next bench, deep into his thoughts)
Ohm has a fascinating persona. His presence makes others feel special. He attracts people. He might look like a bully but is actually sweet and considerate towards others. No one can bar from falling in love with him. He is caring towards even that b**** Toey, after the deceitful things he had done. But with me, he can only be rough.... always fighting. Huggf (Wiping a tear off his cheek with an annoyed expression flexing his neck muscles)

He loves his freedom while seeks pleasure in taking up challenges. He learns and unlearns ever character quickly. He is P'Aoff 's favourite, now even P'Fon loves him. P'Jo has been drooling all over him. My senior's, that I had build rapport over years, had become friends with Ohm in a short while. He goes with the other's flow so effortlessly. I, on contrary, make sure to prove that my words are mightier, which most people don't appreciate. I cling to my character longer following the rules of 'Method Acting'.
He has the stability to shine on screen even with a supporting role, while he can splendidly pull off a protagonist. He can blend into anything the director wants. He is more desirable than me sometimes to production teams. His teamwork is remarkable, they are all praises for him. He collects the good will of people he had worked with. He doesn't nitpick or nag at anyone. His peers follow him religiously, he makes his fellow actors feel involved. Unlike me, i am reserved, i diss people... not that I mean to.. but it's my nature to flaunt my homework before others who don't do it. Many feel underwhelmed, even offended by this behaviour of mine.

Ohm acts mature at times when others would lose their minds. He has been through a lot just like me but his outlook towards the world is stark opposite of mine. He loves extreme sports, his craze for cars is awful. He is a trained martial arts student with black belt. He is a perfect scouting material for typical 'lakorns' with his image of personified adrenaline.
He is stunningly good with multiple languages, Chinese being his ancestral language while Thai being his current modus operandi. His English is eloquent as well. He is learning Korean now for the ELLE photoshoot and a web toon adaptation project in Korea. Excellent scores in studies add to this man's accredibility. He joined Monday Knights in my support, he seems good at it.

Why did we become distant?....
Why am I being jealous of my mate?....
Why does it bother me if he is paired with someone else, he has done it before and I supported him. Didn't I?.....
Why is it so difficult for me to initiate a talk with him first unrobing my ego?....
Will the public discard me, calling me a homophobe, if I refuse to promote as CP?..
Even worse, do i have to be identified as a cute submissive partner to Ohm to keep fans shelling their penny?....
We were better when were really just innocent friends. Why did I start to expect something more from this relationship?......
(trying to sniff tears in with a heavy heart of missing someone that his soul was habituated to)

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