"You said daycare 'gain Glenney....s'my school"Harry pouts twirling a strand of his hair around his finger, he gets a bit frustrated when someone calls his school daycare because he's not a child!! Even if he does act like one.

"My apologies babes...GiGi will try and stop saying that okay?"Glenne says kissing Harry's forehead as she buckles him into his chair.

"Can we pwease go Starby's?"Harry asks adorably as Glenne starts to short drive to his daycare, Harry knowing all too well there's a Starbucks on the way.

"We're a little bit pushed for time baby, how about if you're a good boy today I can ask Foof to take you afterwards??"Glenne says looking at the curly haired boy through the rear view mirror.

"M'kay you tell Foofy I wan'juicy an'cake pop!"Harry says his words a little muffled as he stuffs a thumb in his mouth.

"I'll be sure to tell him peach...thumb out though okay? You've got such pretty nails to be ruining them!"Glenne says, Harry is way too fond of putting his thumb or fingers in his mouth so Glenne took the pair of them for a manicure to try and curb the habit.

Harry thankfully spends the rest of the car ride in a good mood, him and Glenne both singing along to the radio, Harry blushing from all the praise when Glenne tells him how good his voice is sounding.

"Hand please bubby"Glenne says as she unbuckles Harry from his seat, he has a bad habit of running off when he's excited or distracted so Glenne always likes to make sure she has some hold of him.

"B-but what if my frwiends see! M'not a baby GiGi"Harry whines making Glenne roll her eyes but take Harry's hand anyway, he always gets like this, she is completely sure Harry's friends are around a similar mental capacity and hardly care about the boy holding someone's hand.

"I'm not holding your hand to baby you, I'm doing it for your safety...lots of cars around see"Glenne points to several cars parked up as Harry pouts but nods following Glenne into the all familiar building.

"Good morning Harry!! How are you this morning??"Harry's teacher Miss Daisy asks sweetly, Harry's face lighting up as he sees the woman.

"Hiii Ms'Daisy...m'super duper good!"Harry squeals loudly dropping Glenne's hand and rushing over to his teacher to hug her, basically smothering her as the two women laugh.

"Harry remember the chat we had about personal space yeah....next time maybe ask Miss Daisy if she would like a hug?"Glenne reminds Harry who removes his arms from Daisy with a pout.

"Sowwy GiGi, jus'missed being here"Harry apologises with a blush, Harry had the past week off due to some sickness and was very upset that he wasn't gonna be going to school.

"I don't mind a hug now and again thank you for that Harry!! We're all so glad you're feeling better now!"Daisy says giving Harry a high give as the boys attention soon goes to around the room, his eyes scanning it until he spots his friends.

"Glenney!! I see Dylan and Penny...I go??"Harry says excitedly his voice at a high volume again.

"Go ahead baby boy, I'll call you over when I'm going okay?"Glenne says as Harry waddles off to find his friends, Glenne finding that waddle all too familiar.

"Anything I need to be knowing? Is his tummy doing better?"Daisy asks Glenne, it's not secret Harry is probably the student who requires the highest level of care but she has no problem with it since he's an absolute cutie-pie.

"Much better...he is having a little problem with going number two since having such an upset tummy distressed him a little but you know all the signs, just a little more prompting than usual might be needed"Glenne says blushing a little at the chat she's currently having.

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