Calm Before The Storm

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(On the Normandy, everyone's celebrating the fall of cerberus all they prepare for the biggest battle in history)

(Shepard and Thorne are currently enjoying the hyperspace light show on the bridge with Joker and EDI)

Joker: You remember our first run to Eden Prime all those years ago, with that turian spectre watching over us?

Shepard: Nihlus

Joker: Yeah. I told you that mission was going to be bigger than we thought

Thorne: I think it's safe to say that prediction was accurate

Joker: And now we're all headed beck to Earth

Shepard: Is this mission going to be bigger than we thought too?

Joker: Man, I hope not. A nice routine delivery run would be fine with me. It's been an honor, Commander

Shepard: The honor's all mine, Joker. I don't know how it's going to end, but whatever happens...

Joker: What do you mean whatever happens? Everyone knows what's gonna happen. You're gonna kick reaper ass. That's what you do. And I'll be flying you there in style

EDI: Shepard. Liara is asking for you in the captain's quarters

(Joker wiggles his eyebrows, and Shepard rolls his eyes)

Thorne: Good luck

(Thorne fist bumps Shepard)

(Shepard makes his way to the captain's quarters, and he finds Liara waiting for him, sitting on the couch)

Liara: There you are. I was wondering where you were

Shepard: I was on the bridge. EDI didn't tell you?

Liara: She's learned to respect everyone's privacy. Unlike me

Shepard: What are you doing with my helmet?

Liara: The casing was cracked. You're lucky we didn't need it in our fight against cerberus. Do you feel ready to face the reapers, Shepard?

Shepard: Honestly, I'm not sure. How does someone get ready for something like this?

Liara: You cajole and threaten and make tremendous sacrifices. Until the galaxy realizes it has someone worth following

Shepard: What about you? How are you feeling?

Liara:What I want most is for this war to end while there's still a galaxy left to save. And everyone's counting on us to do that. On you. It must be overwhelming

Shepard: You honestly believe I'm worth following?

Liara: There isn't a doubt in my mind

(Liara takes Shepard's hand in hers)

Liara: It would be easy for a ship to get lost in the stars, wouldn't it?

Shepard: Yeah. It would

(Liara leans her head on Shepard's shoulder)

Liara: To find someplace very far away. Where you could spend the rest of your life, in peace... And happiness

Shepard: You're already the source of my happiness

(Shepard kisses Liara on the cheek)

Shepard: Right now, there's no other place I'd rather be than right here with you

Just a Mass Effect 3 fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin