Mirror Match

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(Once the Normandy's squad makes their way out of the archives, they see what looks like a hijacked party limo land, with Joker as the pilot)

Joker: Everyone, hop in, and fast! That other Shepard's trying to steal my ship!

(Shepard, Thorne, Jane, Kaidan. James, Liara, Garrus, EDI, Galahad, Jack, Javik, Kirrahe, Grunt, Mordin, Thane, Ashley, Samara, Tali, Legion, Jacob, Miranda, Wrex, and Cortez all hop into the limo, and Joker speeds away)

Joker: This is why I hate shore leave. I swear, I leave that ship parked for five minutes...

Shepard: Can you contact citadel flight control and tell them to deny the departure request?

Joker: Already tried. All the comm lines in the area are jammed. Probably to make it easier for them to steal my ship!

Jane: We'll stop them

Tali: If they get the Normandy, we can still contact the alliance directly, right? You can prove you're the real Shepard

Garrus: No. He hacked the biometric logs. Any scan we try will show him as the real Shepard. It'll be our word against his

Wrex: So we won't be able to prove anything...

Kaidan: Not to mention him grabbing Shepard's spectre codes

Javik: The ship is merely a distraction. You are free now

Thorne: Not helping, Javik

Joker: Can we all just agree that it would be easier not to let Shepard' evil clone steal a privately owned stealth warship?

Shepard: One way or another, we're taking this bastard down

Joker: Damn right. You go and kill the crap out of... you. Uh oh

Ashley: What's "uh oh" mean?

Joker: Citadel systems are targeting the car. Any closer, and they'll open fire

EDI: Shepard. Your clone has entered the ship and is attempting to- (Shuts down)

Liara: EDI?!

James: That can't be good

(EDI reactivates)

EDI: I'm ok

Joker: Really?

EDI: The clone has somehow disabled my control of the Normandy as well as all sensory input. I cannot lock him out or counteract his commands

Joker: We need to hurry. If the Normandy gets to FTL, we may never see her again

(Joker drops the squad off, and they all load their guns before they rush towards the Normandy, seeing a bunch of CAT6 mercs running around)

Merc: Dammit, they're going for the ship!

Merc: I thought they were supposed to be dead!

Merc: They will be!

(The CAT6 mercs open fire as Shepard's squad rushes in guns blazing)

(Thorne, Jane, Kaidan, James, Javik, Kirrahe, Ashley, Jacob, and Cortez use their assault rifles as their main method of attack)

(Liara, EDI, Miranda, and Mordin focus less on frontline combat, but more on supportive roles with their submachine guns)

(Tali uses her shotgun and combat drone to deal with the shielded mercs)

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