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(Alliance Admirals Anderson and Hackett are looking at a holographic computer in an alliance facility on earth)

Anderson: How bad is it?

Hackett: Bad. We just lost contact with two of our deep space outposts. There's something massive on the long range scanners. The intel Shepard handed to us when he turned himself in matches up directly with what he predicted

Anderson: So this is what Shepard warned us about?

Hackett: I'd stake my life on it

Anderson: How long do we have?

Hackett: Not long. I've sent word, and the fleets are mobilizing

Anderson: God help us all...

(Soon, at the department of defense. Earth)

(Commander John Shepard is standing at a window looking off into the distance when two men walk into the room through the door)

(Matthew Thorne and James Vega)

James: Commander (Salutes)

Shepard: You're not supposed to call me that anymore

James: I know. And I'm not supposed to salute you either

Thorne: We gotta go. The defense committee wants to see us

Shepard: Sounds important. What's going on?

James: They didn't say. They just told me they needed the two of you, now

(Shepard, Thorne, and James start walking down the hall, and it's packed with people going in all directions)

(As the three men are walking, they encounter Admiral Anderson)

James/Thorne: Admiral

Shepard: Anderson

(Anderson shakes hands with Shepard. Then with Thorne and James)

Anderson: You look good, Shepard. Maybe a little soft around the edges... How are you holding up since being relieved from duty?

Shepard: It's not so bad once you get used to the hot food and soft beds

Anderson: We'll get it sorted out

(Shepard, Anderson, Thorne, and James walk and talk)

Shepard: What's going on? Why is everyone in such a hurry?

Anderson: Admiral Hackett's mobilizing the fleets. I'm guessing word's made it to alliance command. Something big's headed our way

Shepard: The reapers?

Anderson: We don't know. Not for certain

Shepard: What else could it be?

Anderson: If I knew that, I wouldn't be here

Shepard: We should have prepared more. If it is them, then you know we're not ready. Not by a longshot

Anderson: Tell that to the defense committee

Thorne: Unless we're planning to talk the reapers to death, this committee is a waste of everyone's time

Anderson: They're just scared. None of them have seem what you boys have seen. You've faced down the collectors and a reaper. Hell, you even spoke to one... then blew the damn thing up! You've seen how they harvest us. What they plan to do to us. You two know more about this enemy than anyone

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