Citadel Shore Leave

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(The Normandy's squad has been carrying out operations against cerberus and reaper forces for some time, so Hackett sends Shepard a message on his private terminal)

Hackett: Commander Shepard. I am ordering Joker to dry-dock the Normandy on the citadel for some much needed repairs, and a couple of upgrades. She's seen a lot of action lately, and needs a little TLC. The techs will take care of the details once you arrive, so lets get your crew out of there. Let someone other than Galahad, Tali, or Mordin do this. You are all being placed under shore leave, and that's an order. We need everyone at their best. One more thing. Admiral Anderson is letting you all use his apartment in the wards, so you can stay there when you arrive. I hear it's a nice place. - Admiral Steven Hackett

(Not long later, Shepard goes to check out the apartment for himself once the Normandy is docked)

(The apartment is huge, and it's very high quality. Fully furnished, and all the luxuries needed for relaxation)

Traynor: Commander, I've got Admiral Anderson on the QEC. Patching him through to you now

(Shepard presses a button on a panel, and the screen above it displays Anderson)

Anderson: Shepard

Shepard: Anderson! How are you holding up?

Anderson: Day by day, Commander

Shepard: Yeah. Hackett sent me a message about this apartment

Anderson: Yes. I want you to have it. Take it off my hands

Shepard: Wait, are you serious?

Anderson: You need a place that's yours. Somewhere to recharge and clear your head. Kahlee wanted us to settle down here. The thing is, the longer I'm on Earth, the less I want to leave. And I want as few loose ends as possible. Like I said, you'd be doing me a favor

Shepard: Thank you, Admiral. That's very generous

Anderson: It's practical. We need you and your team to be in the best shape possible. Rested. Focused

Shepard: If you say so, sir. Thanks again

Anderson: And make yourself at home, dammit. It's yours now

Shepard: I'm sure I can manage

Anderson: Ok, good. I've been meaning to do that for a while now. I'll talk to you soon

Shepard: Be careful out there, Anderson

Anderson: You too, Shepard

(Anderson disconnects)

(Shepard starts to look around the apartment more, and he finds a room with an olympic sized swimming pool, and the room next to it has a hot tub)

(The living room has an enormous couch, and a giant flatscreen TV)

(There is also a kitchen that doubles as a bar)

(The game room has a pool table, some classic arcade machines, a card table, and more)

(There is a training gym, with equipment and a combat floor designed for CQC)

(The bedrooms have king sized mattresses and a walk-in closet. They also each have their own bathrooms)

(As Shepard continues to look around, he gets a message from Joker)

Joker: Hey Shepard, I've got a few things I wanted to go over with you and Thorne. With the Normandy in dry-dock, I figured the three of us could meet up and have dinner at that sushi place on me. I hear it's the best! - Joker

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