Cerberus HQ

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Hackett: The strike team is in. We've got our foothold. Fifth fleet, all forward! I don't want a single cerberus ship in the sky once we're through!

Shepard: Joker, what's our status?

Joker: We've got a foothold, but it's not much, Commander. Lots of cerberus fighters guarding the launch bays

Thorne: Will you be able to get us in?

Joker: Hey, I got us to Ilos. I can do this. Might be a bit of a bumpy ride though

Shepard: Do what you can

Joker: This is your pilot speaking. Please strap yourselves in or grab onto something heavy. Wrex and Grunt do not count

EDI: My body is ready

Joker: Wait, WHAT?! Are you crazy? You can't just waltz into cerberus headquarters! They could have a virus, or a kill switch, or-

EDI: I will be fine, Jeff

Thorne: Come with us to the shuttle, EDI. It's time to gear up

Joker: The fifth fleet's cut through their line. Cerberus is regrouping. Now's as good of a time as any

Shepard: I'm sorry Joker. I know it's nervewracking not being able to go with her

Joker: Yeah, it sucks. Thanks for bringing it up, by the way

(Shepard is about to walks away with Thorne and EDI, but Joker acts fast)

Joker: Hey Shepard? Keep EDI safe. And tell her to kick some ass for me

Shepard: Same to you. The fleet needs your help. The cerberus ships have reaper tech modules that outclass alliance specs. The Normandy's the most advanced ship in the galaxy. Go do some damage. Do what you do best

Joker: You got it

(Joker flies the Normandy close to cerberus HQ so Cortez can fly the shuttle into a landing bay. Then he engages in a dogfight with some cerberus fighters)

Cortez: Shit, I'm losing control! Coming in hot! Brace for impact!

(A group of alliance soldiers were in a gunfight with a huge number of cerberus troopers, but are being picked off)

(But then Cortez's shuttle speeds in and rams right into a cluster of cerberus troopers, taking them out and destroying some crates)

(Shepard, Thorne, Jane, Kaidan, James, Liara, Garrus, EDI, Galahad, Jack, Javik, Kirrahe, Grunt, Mordin, Thane, Ashley, Samara, Tali, Legion, Jacob, Miranda, Wrex, Zaeed, and Kasumi all hop out of the shuttle as it grinds to a halt)

Shepard: Everything ok, Cortez?

Cortez: I'm fine. I've got some repairs to make here. Give cerberus hell!

Trooper: Another confirmed hostile team. We've got them cornered in hangar 16

Soldier: Shepard! Glad you could- Wait... ShepardS?

Jane: Really? Nobody knows me?

Liara: I am never going to get used to having another Shepard on the team

Trooper: First responders are in. We have to assume termination. Backup inbound

Trooper: If need be, we can vent the whole damn hangar

Trooper: It's Shepard! Look!

Trooper: No, THAT'S Shepard

Trooper: This is getting out of hand! Now there's two of them!

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