Sur'Kesh Summit

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(Shepard and Thorne are with Wrex, Victus, and the Salarian Dalatrass Linron in a conference aboard the Normandy)

Linron: The krogan is in no position to make demands!

Wrex: "The krogan" has a name. Urdnot Wrex. And I'm not just some junkyard varren you can just unleash whenever you're in trouble. I've got my own problems. Reaper forces have arrived on tuchanka. So why should I care if a few turians and salarians go extinct?

Victus: Trying to draw out negotiations will get you nowhere, Wrex. I have no time for it. Just tell us what you want

Wrex: I'll tell you what I need... A cure for the genophage

Linron: Absolutely not! The genophage is non-negotiable!

Shepard: Why are you so opposed to the idea, Dalatrass?

Linron: Because my people uplifted the krogan. We know them best

Wrex: You mean you used us! To fight a war you were too weak to win! It wasn't the asari or even the turians what stopped the rachni! It was krogan blood that turned the tide!

Linron: And after that you idiots ceased to be useful! The genophage was the only way to keep your primal urges in check!

(Wrex is about to reach for his shotgun, but Shepard puts his hand over Wrex's and shakes his head)

Victus: Dalatrass, you may not like him, but Wrex is right. And insulting him won't change that

Linron: I won't apologize for speaking the truth! We uplifted the krogan to do one thing. Wage war. It's all they know, because that's all we wanted them to know

Thorne: Oof. A severe miscalculation on your part then

Linron: Excuse me?!

Shepard: Your people should have thought that matter through. Was it really a surprise the krogan revolted?

Linron: That's precisely my point, Commander. We made a rash decision. We turned to the krogan in desperation. It's the same mistake you're about to make today. No good can come from curing the genophage

Shepard: The krogan have paid for their mistakes. The genophage has gone on for long enough. They deserve a cure

Wrex: 1476 years if you're keeping track

Linron: It was a thousand years of peace free from these savage brutes!

(Victus slams his fist on the table, making Linron flinch)

Victus: ENOUGH! Wether or not they deserve a cure is academic. It would take years to formulate one

Wrex: My information says otherwise

Thorne: Well don't leave us in suspense. What do ya know?

Wrex: A salarian scientist named Maelon grew a conscience. He was on tuchanka testing a cure on our females

Shepard: I remember. His methods were barbaric

Wrex: But what you didn't know is that other females survived his experiments. So the dalatrass here sent in a team to clean up the whole mess and take them prisoner!

(Wrex displays a video of a salarian soldier's helmet camera showing numerous krogan females in captivity)

Linron: Where did you get this? It could be a fabrication!

Wrex: Don't insult me! Those are MY people! They're immune to the genophage, and you're going to give them back!

Victus: Dalatrass, is this true?

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