The Geth Dreadnought

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(Joker pilots the Normandy to the Dholen system, where he connects it with a quarian envoy ship)

(Quarian admirals Raan, Gerrel, Koris, and Xen all board the Normandy, where they are met by Shepard and Thorne. Everyone gathers in the war room)

Raan: Commander Shepard. Lieutenant Commander Thorne. A pleasure to see you again. Though I wish it were under better circumstances

Shepard: I had hoped to enlist your support in the fight against the reapers. What's going on?

Gerrel: 17 days ago, with precision strikes on 4 geth systems, the quarians initiated the war to retake our homeland

Koris: Which was a clear violation of our agreement with the council to avoid provoking the geth!

Xen: A treaty violation is nothing compared to recovering our homeworld and advanced AI technology

Thorne: Oh for fuck's sake... (Facepalm)

Shepard: Your homeworld? Are you talking about retaking Rannoch?

Raan: Correct, Commander. 300 years ago, we lost our world to our own AI creations, the geth

Koris: After we attempted to kill them

Xen: We didn't try to kill them, Admiral Koris. We tried to deactivate them. It wasn't murder

Shepard: No. You're wrong. It WAS murder

Raan: Commander Shepard, the quarians never intended to create true AI. It was an accident

Thorne: Which you chose to correct by trying to wipe them out?

Koris: Don't bother. Admitting we were wrong would undercut the justification for this suicidal invasion plan

Shepard: Invading was a mistake. You're just throwing yourselves at the geth? Again?

Koris: And this time, we may have destroyed our people for good

Gerrel: We'd driven the geth back to the home system when this signal began broadcasting to all geth ships

Shepard/Thorne: The reapers

Gerrel: Under reaper control, the geth are significantly more effective. Our fleet is pinned in the home system. If we're going to win this-

Koris: WIN?! You insisted on involving civilian ships, Admiral Gerrel! We need to retreat or we'll lose the liveships!

Shepard: Where's the signal coming from?

Gerrel: From a geth dreadnought. It can outgun anything we've got, and it's heavily defended

Thorne: The Normandy's stealth drive can get us in undetected

Shepard: We could board the geth dreadnought and disable the reaper command signal

Xen: Yes, cutting off the signal should throw the geth into complete disarray

Shepard: And while they're confused, you get to the nearest mass relay and retreat

Koris: Good. Our civilian ships have seen too much fighting already. Are you certain you can disable the signal?

Shepard: I am. We'll get you out safely, Admiral

Raan: Our newest admiral has also volunteered to offer her technological expertise

(Tali enters the war room)

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