Bomb Squad

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(In the war room, Shepard and Victus are going over some details)

Shepard: You said one of your ships has gone missing?

Victus: Crashed, actually. I couldn't speak of this in front of the krogan. Our ship went down on Tuchanka. Now they're pinned by an advanced guard of reapers scouting the planet

Shepard: What were your men doing there?

Victus: I'm sorry. That's classified. But it's vital that they be rescued. They must complete their original mission. It's a matter of galactic peace

Shepard: I'll do what I can

Victus: I appreciate your help... And understanding. The commander is Lieutenant Tarquin Victus. He'll be your contact

Shepard: Victus?

Victus: ... My son. I needed someone I could trust completely

Shepard: Joker, see if you can find any mayday frequencies on Tuchanka

Joker: I'm on it, Commander

(When Shepard starts walking down to the shuttle bay, he walks by Wrex)

Wrex: Hell of a show down there on Sur'Kesh. Just like the old days, huh Shepard? Right down to me pulling your asses out of the fire

Shepard: I was the one with bullets flying at me. You were just flying around in a shuttle the whole time

Wrex: And I gave you the moral support to dodge them

Shepard: Uh huh

Wrex: Listen... I have a team that's gone missing. They were scouting out the rachni relay. We've heard rumors of trouble in the area

Shepard: Rachni?

Wrex: Thought that might get your attention. I have a favor to ask. It's big

Shepard: Don't tell me they're back

Wrex: All I know for sure is our scouts went silent as soon as they arrived. I've got Aralakh company, by best unit on standby. You give the word, and they'll meet you there

Shepard: I'll see what I can do

Wrex: Get on it ASAP, Shepard

(Intercepting a distress signal from surviving turian soldiers on Tuchanka, Joker flies the Normandy towards it)

(Shepard, Thorne, Jane, Kaidan, James, Liara, Garrus, EDI, Galahad, Jack, Javik, and Kirrahe all hop into the shuttle with Cortez and fly down to Tuchanka's surface)

Shepard: This crash site's a nightmare. Galahad, try to raise Lieutenant Victus

Galahad: Got it

Garrus: For a turian commander, what happened here is... Let's just say the turian code is not forgiving. And that it's his son is bad for the primarch. Promoting family without merit can bite you in the ass. But what's strange is the primarch knows that

Cortez: Commander, I have to land well back from the main crash gate

Jane: Is that the best you can get us?

Cortez: Yes mam. But the reapers seem unaware of our presence. You might get the jump on them

Shepard: Alright, set er down

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