Double Agents

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(After the events of Thessia, on his way to the lera system, Shepard receives a message on his private terminal from an old friend, Jacob Taylor. He says that he's with a group of ex-cerberus scientists who have defected, and could help work on the crucible)

(Joker plots a course and flies the Normandy go a planet called Arrae as the squad gears up in the shuttle bay)

(Shepard, Thorne, Jane, Kaidan, James, Liara, Garrus, EDI, Galahad, Jack, Javik, Kirrahe, Grunt, Mordin, Thane, Ashley, Samara, Tali, Legion, and Cortez are all aboard the shuttle)

Shepard: What's the word? Do we know how long these scientists have been holed up out here?

Thorne: No. Our intel is minimal

Cortez: Sir, I'm picking up chatter from a cerberus squad engaging the supply depot

Jane: Engaging the scientists?

Cortez: And if I'm reading this right, it sounds like more troops are on the way

Garrus: There's no way scientists can fend off that many soldiers on their own

Legion: Statistically speaking, the scientists have a 69% chance to suffer a gunshot wound. A punch to the face is also likely

Shepard: Ok, set us down and get out of here, Cortez. I need these scientists alive

(While the Normandy's shuttle is in the air, there's a large scale firefight going on between cerberus troopers and ex-cerberus scientists)

(The scientists only have handguns and small arms. The cerberus troopers have assault shields, armor, and heavier firepower)

(Jacob pops out of cover with his assault rifle and kills a couple of cerberus troopers before taking a bullet in his side)

(Jacob releases a biotic shockwave to knock the cerberus troopers back before he ducks down into cover and reloads his assault rifle)

(Cortez drops Shepard's squad off and flies away in the shuttle)

James: HOO! It's cold out here!

Kaidan: I can see why cerberus abandoned this place. It's freezing

Shepard: Keep moving. We have company

Galahad: What did these people do to bring this down on their heads?

Liara: I don't know

Grunt: Light em up!

(The cerberus troopers are suddenly distracted by Shepard's team, losing interest in Jacob and the scientists)

(The cerberus troopers start taking fire from two sides at once, and they're not able to keep up so they get wiped out)

Thane: All clear

Javik: I will check for survivors

Jacob: Hello? Who's there?

Shepard: Hello, Jacob

Jacob: Shepard? You came!

(Shepard looks at Jacob's gunshot wound)

Shepard: How bad is it?

Jacob: I'll live. Just gotta apply some medi-gel

(Jacob may have accidentally dropped his earpiece, so Shepard picks up an earpiece from the ground)

Brynn: Jacob, this is Brynn! If you can hear me, come in! Is there anyone there?!

Shepard: This is Commander Shepard of the alliance. The enemy is clear for now. Open the door

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