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Chapter 18 | Realization


"Please? Just for me?"

I sighed and rubbed my temple. It was so hard to say no to Seokjin when he was looking at me like that. For the past week, he's almost made it his mission to get me with the hybrids that we rescued, the ones that I've been avoiding. Quite well, might I add. There are times when I do have to see them, like looking after Namjoon and his recovery process, but I never stay long. Never long enough to be tempted. Never long enough to have a personal conversation. It was all work-related and that was all that they were going to get from me.



I glared at him. "Oppa. I do see them-"

"Yeah, for work. Then you run away before they even have the chance to have a nice conversation with you," he argued. "Sweetheart, they just want to talk to you."

I sighed heavily. Why couldn't he just let it go?

"Look, is it because you're worried that you're catching feelings?" He asked, causing me to snap my eyes directly at his in shock.

"What did you just say?"

"Listen, Y/N-ah, it's okay, really!" He quickly spoke. "Just give them a chance, they need to talk to you about things. And everything will be explained. So, please? Just for me? Just talk to them? Or just listen to them? They're really nice guys and I don't really find it to be a big deal that you're catching feelings for them. They are all rather handsome, well, not as handsome as me, but, you get it."

Why was he so insistent? He should be glad that I'm doing everything I can to be faithful to him and he's practically pushing me to them. As if he's trying to get me to cheat...

"Do you want to break up with me or something?" I asked, I could feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"What?!" He gasped. "Why- Why would you even think like that?"

"Is this some sort of ploy to get me to cheat on you so that you could break up with me or something? Why are you so insistent that I give them a chance? You're okay with me catching feelings for them? Are you trying to push me toward them? There's nothing wrong with us, is there? Am I just imagining that things are going really well?" I couldn't help but say. It was like the words were just flowing out of my mouth without my control.

"Oh sweetheart," he said softly as he stepped closer to me. He wiped away a tear that I didn't know escaped. "I would never do such a thing. I love you more than anything. Like I've told you before. You and I, if we were hybrids, we would be mated to each other."

Mated? Suddenly? Why is he talking about mate- oh.

"I'm mated to them aren't I?" I gasped. "That's why I've been feeling those things."

"You weren't supposed to figure it out," he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Then why are you-?"

"Since you figured everything out. I'm mated to them too. We both are," he explained.

It was like my whole world just turned upside down. Everything that they've been doing this past month, was playing through my head like a filmstrip. The way their touches would linger, the way they would brighten up whenever I walked into the room. The way they looked at me as if I was the most precious jewel. The way they were trying to get to know me. Everything.

Then everything I had done flashed before me as well. The way I never really listened to them. The way I would cut them off just so that I get to the point and leave. The way I would do a quick U-Turn whenever I saw them in the hallway or a room. The way I never really looked them in the eye. Everything.

"Shit," I grimaced. "I've been ignoring them. Oh shit, I've-"

"Hey, hey! Calm down!" his voice was firm but gentle at the same time. "It's okay. It seemed as if they understood why you were avoiding them. The younger ones were a little upset by that, but they were all willing to wait."

"Seokjin, what am I supposed to do?" I groaned. "I should have just talked to you about this before."

"Hey, what's done is done," he simply said. "All we can do now is figure out how to move forward. And I think there are 6 hybrids, who are anxiously waiting for you to have a conversation with them."

"I feel so terrible," I muttered.

I remembered what Chan told me about him and his mates and the bond that they hold. And I remembered what his mates told me about their bond. How they feel more deeply than humans.

"I really messed up," I sighed.

"Well then you can make it up by having a nice heart-to-heart conversation with them," he smiled. "And maybe bribing them."

I snorted. "Bribing them? Really?" 

"Yeah," he shrugged. "I know that Jimin and Hoseok like to dance, so maybe we can enroll them in a dance class. Yoongi and Namjoon like music, so we can buy them an instrument. Taehyung and Jungkook seem to like photography, so we can get them a camera."

"That's... actually not a bad idea," I mused. "But maybe, like you said, we should talk to them before bribing them. I need to apologize."

"That's my girl," he smiled proudly at me, causing me to smile as well. "But you know, just to rub it in, I was right."

I snorted once again. "Right? About what?"

"You and I being soulmates," he grinned cheekily at me.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes but I couldn't hide the smile that was sneaking up on me. "You are a genius, oppa."

"I know I am," he said proudly. He leaned down and gave me a kiss. "Now, as much I would love to continue this with you, we do need to talk to our mates."

"Yeah," I said breathlessly. I gave him another kiss. "Another one, just for good luck."

Hello everyone!

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Hello everyone!

I just wanted to pop in here to thank you for all your support and your comments. But, unfortunately, I come bearing a sort of bad news. Lately, my mental health hasn't been the best, and I've been struggling with writing (even if I'm updating this book twice a month) My personal life also has gotten very busy, so I decided that I need a break from Wattpad and my writing.

I know how frustrating it is to start a book and be abandoned in the middle. And I apologize for that.

Once again, thank you for all your love and support for this book. I don't know when I'll be back, but I will return to finish this book and my two books that are on hold. That I can promise you!

Until we meet again.


- Violet ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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