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Chapter 6 | The Raid


"I don't see her," I mentioned as I also looked around the arena that was slowly being more under control.

"I have an inkling," Seokjin spoke. I followed his line of sight and saw that he was focused on a black part of the wall. "I'll be back. Be safe, alright? The hybrids will be aggressive already because of the environment they've been in."

"I know Seokjin," I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Be careful?"

"You know I will," he said before giving me a small kiss on my temple before calling a few SWAT team members and leaving the arena.

After watching him leave, I slowly made my way down to the stage area where two hybrids were still in their animal form. They were the hybrids that were fighting as our team raided the arena. One was a tiger and the other was a wolf. The tiger seemed to be the one who needed to be seen first. The tiger was a lot more anxious, shivering. From what, I don't know, but it really looked as if the tiger needed to be seen first.

I turned to look at my medical team who had all arrived. "Alright, so here's what we're going to do. Jisoo, Seungchul, and team B, you're going to go to the sex ring. Changbin should have already begun the arrests there too. Hyunjin and team A, you're with me. We're going to stay here and take care of the hybrids who are in the fighting ring. Make sure not to make the hybrids too uncomfortable. We don't know how they're going to react and based on the amount of stress they were in, we have to prepare for the worst."

They all nodded and followed my orders. I turned to my brother-in-law. "You ready?"

He smirked. "I was born ready."

"I'll take care of the ones on the stage, you can go into the room where they keep the others?" I suggested. He nodded. "I'll take Yuqi, I know she's technically training under you, but I think having a hybrid with me is going to help relax the hybrids."

"Sounds like a plan. If you take Yuqi, I'll take Jennie?" I nodded at his question.

"Jennie, did you hear that?" I asked looking behind me at my human nurse who was trailing behind me.

"Yes, ma'am," she responded.

"Oh no," I groaned. "Don't call me ma'am. I'm only a few years older than you. You're making me feel like an ajumma."

"Sorry, unnie. I thought we needed to be professional," she giggled.

"Yeah, no. Never." I laughed. "If there are any hybrids who are in really bad shape, let me know and we can switch."

"Alright," Jennie nodded as we separated. Jennie, Hyunjin, and most of team A heading to the door next to the stage while Yuqi and I headed towards the stage with a handful of team A.

When we got closer to the stage, I noticed that the wolf hybrid's eyes seemed to be trained on me. But the stranger thing was that I couldn't help but meet his stares. He had the most beautiful brown eyes, even as a wolf. It was almost like he was drawing me in. My heart also started beating a little faster, just like it had when I met Seokjin for the first time. I shook my head to get rid of that thought. I needed to be professional and do my job. And my job was to provide medical aid to the hybrids.

"Yuqi, do you mind getting the hybrids comfortable and explain to them who we are and what we do?" I asked. She nodded before making the final steps to the very bottom floor where the caged stage was.

The hybrids who were fighting may have very bad reactions to taking orders from a human like myself. I waited patiently as I watched Yuqi carefully make her way to the cage to speak to the hybrids. I observed the two hybrids.

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