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Chapter 4 | The Raid


The entire facility of Hybe was bustling with energy. Well, more specifically, it was the leaders who were bustling with energy. Nerves and excitement ran rapid throughout the leaders. It was finally the day. The day. The workers might have noticed the slight difference in the energy of the leaders but they wouldn't have known why. We made sure to keep the raid close to the vest, so to speak. We didn't want anyone to go and alert the AS Company (whether it be on purpose or accidentally), so we made sure that the information was on a need-to-know basis.

I gathered all the medical equipment we would need. I double-checked then triple-checked everything.

"You ready to go?" I quickly turned around to see Seokjin leaning against the door frame as if he was some model. 

"I don't know, I just have this feeling," I mentioned as I turned back around to do one more last-minute check.

"Hey," Seokjin spoke as he turned me around. "Everything's going to be fine. We have everything planned. Nothing's going to happen."

"It's not that I don't trust you and the effort you put in," I assured him. "I just have this feeling that I'm going to need a lot of the heavier medical equipment. Like... Like there will be a lot of hybrids who are close to death. I just want to make sure I have everything in order to be able to give them the first aid they'd need."

"I know, love," Seokjin said before he gently kissed the top of my forehead, just in between my eyebrows. "But if you continue to frown like that, you'll get wrinkles."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes while a smile formed on my face. "Everyone gets wrinkles Seokjin-"


I rolled my eyes again. "Oppa," I stressed. "It's a part of aging."

"Yeah, but there's no harm in delaying the process," Seokjin said with a chuckle. "Come on, or we'll leave you behind and I'd rather have you there."

"Alright," I said as I zipped up my bag.

"Here, let me, my lady," Seokjin said suavely as he picked up the bag that was slightly heavy due to the amount of medical equipment inside.

"My hero," I cooed before I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I think you missed," he pouted.

"Did I?" I asked before giving him a small peck on the lips.

"If you lovebirds are ready..." I rolled my eyes again when I heard the familiar voice of my younger brother, Chan. I turned to look at Chan, who was standing at the doorway with a very smug and amused face on his face.

"How long have you been just watching us?" I asked.

"Long enough," he chuckled. "Come on, dad's waiting." Without another word, Chan walked away but I could still hear his chuckling.

"He needs to learn a thing or two about timing," I muttered causing Seokjin to laugh.

"Let's go," Seokjin grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him as he walked out of my office. "I'm on a roll getting on your dad's good side, I don't want to break that streak."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," I giggled as I continued to let him drag me along.

Soon I was sitting in the backseat of the van that was driving towards the big AS Company building located in the heart of Seoul. There were other cars but we made sure that everyone took a different route, to avoid any suspicions. 

From afar I could see the tall building and my heart started beating rapidly in my chest. So much so that it felt like my heart will just burst out from my chest. As we got closer and closer, I could feel a bubbling feeling in my stomach and my heart was beating so fast, it physically hurt.

"Alright, everyone knows their positions?" Seokjin asked, his voice firm and full of authority that (I hate to admit it) was sexy.

I nodded, unable to trust my own voice.

"Good, if we succeed today, we'll be saving dozens of hybrids," Seokjin said passionately. "Let's not let them down. We're going to save every single one of them tonight."

Then he sat properly and intertwined our fingers together. He gave me a kiss on my temple, almost as if he could sense my anxiety. "We'll be alright," he reassured me.

"I know, I trust you," I said honestly as I looked up at him. "I just can't help it because I don't know what state the hybrids are in."

He gave me another kiss on my temple.  "Trust in your abilities, Y/N, because I do."

"I love you," I said softly as I played with his fingers.

"I love you more."

The car came to a stop and the driver looked back at us with a nod. We were here.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road."

Seokjin gets out of the van and holds his hand out for me to grab as I exited the vehicle myself. Always the gentleman even in the midst of a raid. I hoist the bag with the medical equipment on my shoulder as I looked up at the tall imposing building. One by one, all the vehicles from our team and the police department arrived.

I took a deep breath as I followed the team. Seokjin was at the front, leading and I was in the middle of the group. Apparently, it was because it was something about me being a woman and also a medic. But I didn't argue as the raid was for the hybrids and not for me.

We made our way inside the building and it was strange. It was very quiet. Almost too quiet. But still, we made our way to the basement floor that held the illegal fighting ring. Seokjin paused in front of the double doors. We could hear the loud cheers from beyond the door. Seokjin and I exchanged looks before he gave me a wink with a smirk. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I knew that the drama queen Seokjin was going to come out.

He extended his hand and one of the raid members handed him a megaphone. He grinned like a boy who was given candy before dramatically opening the double doors and entering the gigantic room as if he owned the place.

He pressed a button on the megaphone and a loud alarm rang out through the huge indoor area. The air inside the room went silent.

Seokjin dramatically cleared his throat. "If I may," he paused dramatically. "You are all under arrest for the participation in an illegal hybrid fighting ring. I have the paper right here-" Jungwon who was next to him handed him the arrest warrant "-Now, I'm legally supposed to tell you that everything that you say can and will be used against you in court and that you have the right to a lawyer and if you can't afford one one will be provided for you and blah blah blah, but you all know that, right?"

As soon as his little monologue was finished the rest of the officers rushed in and started arresting everyone who was there. And panic filled the room from the rich who didn't see this coming. I looked up at Seokjin who was watching with a proud look on his face. But I could notice that he was looking around the arena, in hopes of finding Nana.


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