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Prologue | Hell on Earth

If there was a hell on earth, this would be it. In a darkened room, there were many cages. In those cages were men of all shapes and sizes. These men were all nude, shivering in the cold. Their bodies were littered with scars. Some looked like claw marks while others looked like they were made by whips.

Every one of these men had two things in common. One was the shock collar around their necks. And the second was that they all had animal ears and animal tails. They were Hybrids, a half-Human half-animal being that was introduced into the world only a couple decades ago.

All of the cages held one of these hybrid men... all except one.

One cage had 6 men huddled together. Trying to keep warm from the cold temperature of the room.

"H-hyung, I-I'm so c-cold," a male with long black bunny ears at the top of his head spoke. His teeth clattering from the cold.

Before anyone in the pack could comfort the young bunny hybrid, the double doors opened letting the bright light of the outside come flooding in.

"Rise and shine halfbreeds," a human said walking in with a smirk. "It's a new day, and you know what that means." He chuckled but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "It's time for you halfbreeds to actually do some work around here."

With those words, men came filing in. Picking and choosing which hybrids would be fighting and which would be taken to the lower floors to entertain men and women alike.

"Now, let's see," the man mused as he came up to the cage containing the six hybrids. "Like always, Bunny, Red Panda, and Golden Retriever will go to the basement. And this time, let's have you go down to the basement, wolf."

There was a snarl coming from the two hybrids that weren't called.

"Ah, ah," the man tutted. "You don't want to be shocked do you?" He asked holding up the device that was connected to their shock collars.

The glares of the black bear hybrid and the black tiger hybrid didn't disappear but they did lower the volume of their snarls.

The human chuckled, loving the amount of power he held over the hybrids in the facility. "Now, now, you don't have to be upset that you didn't get picked to go to the basement," he said in a very condescending tone. "You'll be able to let all that anger out at the fight in a few hours. Make sure you win. We have a lot of money placed on you two."


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