Chapter 24: 2nd Generation Toman

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3rd POV

Mikey and the others have been gathered together with others that were previously an enemy gang. "I know a lot of you are in love with L/N Y/N," Mikey started and the others couldn't help but become tense. "In order to keep her safe I need her far away from me. I don't want to see her get hurt because of me or my gang. In order for that to happen I need all of you guys to join me."




On the other side of Tokyo, you were currently with your new gang members.

Thanks to Takemichi not getting hurt as much as in the manga they could finish this once and for all. Their gang is called Tokyo Manji Gang.

The Commanders: L/N Y/N & Hanagaki Takemichi

The Vice-Commanders: Ryuguji Ken aka Draken & Matsuno Chifuyu

First Divison Captions: Baji Keisuke & Hanemiya Kazutora.

Second Division Caption: Mitsuya Takashi

Second Division Vice-Caption: Shiba Hakkai

Third Division Caption: Hayashida Haruki aka Pah-chin

Third Division Vice-Caption: Hayashi Ryohei aka Peh-yan

Fourth Division Caption: Nahoya Kawata aka Smiley

Fourth Division Vice-Caption: Souya Kawata aka Angry

Fifth Divison Captions: Inupi Seishu & Shiba Taiju

Sixth Division Captions: Kawaragi Senju & Sano Shinichiro

Sixth Division Vice-Caption: Akashi Takeomi

Seventh Division Captions: Kurokawa Izana & Hanma Shuji


This time around the struggle will be less because we have powerful people on our side.


It was the day of the battle with the Kanto Manji Gang and I couldn't help but think about how this is actually going to be the final battle.

"Hey, you guys is there a need for two 'Toman'? There's no need for that, right?"

"Technically your gang can't really be called Toman because Toman is actually derived from the word Tokyo. You know, To-man and To-kyo." A lot of the Kanto Manji Gang members glared at me. "Just letting you know," I shrugged.

"Why are you even here? Aren't you a supermodel? Your posters are everywhere in Japan. Won't your image get ruined, heck you may not be able to become a doctor because of this! Just go home, pretty Miss." One of them spoke making others laugh.

"Thank you for thinking I'm pretty Mister. But you seriously don't need to worry about me, I'll be fine and I'll become even better when I beat you guys all down," I said with a creepy smile on my face. This caused some of them to step back a little. 

We already decided on who we were going to fight. Izana will deal with Kakucho while Keisuke, Kazutora, and Ken will deal with most of the Kanto Manji gang. Takashi and Hakkai will be fighting the Haitani brothers. Chifuyu will take on Mochi, and Senju will battle her brother. The former first-generation Black Dragons will be taking on their former gang members. Hajime will be dealt with by Seishu while the rest will be helping the others. Of course, Takemichi was going to fight Manjiro.

I will be helping the others and I will make sure the whole train incident will not occur.


There was something I needed to do before I stopped Haru and that was confronting Hajime. I stopped Seishu and him from fighting each other so I stepped in between them. "Hajime... let's go home now. There's no reason for all this now, just please come back to us. You don't need to make any more money to keep me safe anymore Hajime. The two of us miss you so very much Hajime, so just come with us."

"Y/N I-"

I then hugged him, "it's okay Hajime. You must have suffered a lot trying to keep me safe by making money, right? It's okay now Hajime."


It was some time after and I was trying to find Haru when he spotted me first. He then used ropes and tied my entire body up and carried me to where the train was.

"Haru what are you doing?!"

"Y/N, I'm going to kill every last one of them because they are annoying and I can't have you or Mikey die on me so I dragged you here."

"Haru please stop... If you don't stop and actually end up killing everyone here I'll kill myself." I said to him with nothing but seriousness. Haru looked at me wide-eyed.

"Y/N! Why would you do that?! They are just annoying pests! Why will you kill yourself for that?! Y/N-chan you are my saviour and I'm going to do anything for you. This is one of those things. I'm trying to save you." He said to me.

"Don't bullshit with me Sanzu. If you actually end up killing at least one person here I'm going to kill myself. So please just stop and help me defeat Manjiro so we can all just go home together. Don't you miss the old Toman too? I miss the days when you insisted on driving me to the Toman meetings even though I also had a motorcycle. Why did you try and kill Mucho? He loved you like an actual brother!" I was now angry with him.

"Y/N, I-" He looked at me wide-eyed.

Sanzu's POV

Y/N's going to kill herself if I kill everyone? But why? I don't understand. Wait, do I really want to kill all these people? 

What's the point of killing everyone here? Why did I want to kill these people again? 

If Y/N dies what is the point of me going on in life? I'm on Mikey's side right now to make sure Y/N doesn't get close to the two of us but if Y/N dies then what's the point? 

Y/N can't die, I love her that's why I tied her up so that she wouldn't die... 


This is good, Haru is distracted by what I told him. I wasn't lying to him, in fact, every word I said to him was the truth. If he kills everyone I'm going to go with them. 

"SANZU!!!" Someone yell.

Haru got out of his world and was now facing them. Takemichi was facing Haru alone while Kakucho found me.

"Y/N?!?! What happened to you?!" He worriedly spoke to me. 

"I'm fine Kakucho but please untie me so I can help Takemichi. Sanzu's going to use a sword to kill Takemichi but I have a plan." He quickly undid the ropes and I was set free. "Kakucho you stay here and make sure, nobody comes here." 

"Wait Y/N-" 

Before he can finish his sentence I ran off to find them. I then saw Haru raise his katana to try and kill Takemichi so in an instance I kicked the katana away while simultaneously kicking his head causing him to go unconscious. Just to be on the safe side I decided to tie in him using the rope he used on me. 

"Takemichi are you okay?" I asked.

"I-I'm fine Y/N-chan thank you." 

Phew, Takemichi is still alive as well as Kakucho. Since I stopped Haru this means the battle is near its end...

𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑭𝑼𝑻𝑼𝑹𝑬: ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜꜱ ᴛᴏᴋʏᴏ ʀᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇʀꜱ x ꜰ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora