Chapter 8: The Robbery

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Y/N's POV 

Today is August 14, 2003, meaning it's Shin's death day. I will not allow such a thing to happen. I will be with him for the whole day till I know he is safe. 

"Hey Y/N why are you insisting on staying with me for the whole day?"

"Because I feel as though something is going to happen here today."

"Are you a fortune teller or what now?" he laughed.

"I'm being serious right now. I will be with you for the whole day today and I won't leave your side till this feeling disappears."

Shinichiro's POV

When Y/N-chan said that I can't help but feel so happy. I know I shouldn't feel like this toward her but we are only 4 years apart. I'm going to confess my feelings toward her when she is the right age. She's a year older than Mikey and I know he also has feelings toward her. But even so, I still love her. 



It was late at night now, they should be coming here-. They are here.

"I guess you were right about having a bad feeling, Y/N. Stay here, I don't want you to get hurt because of me and my shop" with that he was going to went away.

"Wait, Shin! Please wear this helmet!" I gave it to him. "Please don't die..." 

"I won't I promise, Y/N" he looked at me and smiled. 

I decided to follow him to make sure he doesn't die and I already call 119. Right, when Kazutora was about to hit him I appeared and was going to push Shin away but I was already too late and it still hit his head. "Shin!" 

"Let's get out of here Baji!- Huh?! Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"What the hell are you doing, Kazutora?! That's Mikey's older brother." 

"Hey Shin! Are you alright?!" I checked his pulse and it was working fine. 

"Hey hey Y/N, are you worried about me?" Suddenly Shin got up and pulled his helmet out. 

I then hugged him, "Shin! How's your head?!" I frantically asked. 

"I'm fine Y/N," he returned the hug and smiled. However, he lost consciousness... and the ambulance along with the police arrived. 


I was currently at the hospital and the doctors said Shin is fine but fell unconscious because of the sudden shock in the head resulting in that. Kazutora and Baji were taken away. It went as planned but it was too close for comfort... 

And seeing their faces made me feel so sad and bad because I could have prevented it but I chose not to because of the sake of the storyline.

In the hospital room Mikey, Emma, their grandfather, and the former first-generation Black Dragons were present in the room.   

"Y/N-chin, what happened," Mikey asked. 

"I had a bad feeling about today so I decided to stay with Shin and a few hours ago robbers showed up and before Shin was going to confront them I made him wear a helmet. Not knowing Baji and Kazutora showed up to steal the bike you always wanted... the same bike Shin was planning to give you for your 13th birthday... Because Kazutora felt as though he and Baji won't be able to escape, he hit Shin's head with a wrench. But luckily the helmet saved him. Mikey, I'm so sorry that this had to happen..."  Even though I did save him I felt as though I didn't. Shin's still hurt and Kazutora went to jail when I could have prevented it. 

"Don't say that Y/N-chin, you saved him. If it weren't for you, Shin might have been more hurt..."


Mikey and Emma went home with their grandfather because of how late it was and I decided to stay with Shin because it felt like my responsibility. 

"Hey Y/N... thank you for saving our friend. Even though he is a handful and a bit of a crybaby he is still like a family to me" Takeomi spoke.

"Yeah, thank you, by the way, we heard a lot about you from Shin. I guess it's in your blood to save others..." Wakasa said.

"No that's not true... In the end, the people I'm trying to save end up getting hurt and I'm always fine. I'm no hero..."

"Are you sure you are only 14? You don't sound like your age at all." Beneki asked. I guess he does have a point because after all, my mentality is actually like what 25? In my previous life, I lived in that body for like 23 and I came here with the same brain and feelings except for my physical body. 

I just smiled at him. 

Wakasa's POV

Y/N is quite interesting, it's obvious that Shin likes her romantically even though he is an adult and she is a minor. But I think I understand why he likes her, she doesn't act like a kid but an adult. Even most adults are not as mature as her. She has a beautiful smile with a kind nature.

Takeomi's POV

Saving someone from fire by going into a burning house and now saving my best friend from getting seriously hurt. I think I'm starting to understand why Shin likes her so much. Geez, I really do not want to catch feelings for the same girl that my friend likes. I'm pretty Wakasa is thinking the same thing. This is the first time Wakasa and I are interested in some girl... 

Beneki's POV 

All 3 of my friends are very much invested in her now. She's going to break hearts when she grows a little older. 





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