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Ever since her panic attack in the ocean the other day, as soon as we got back to Sandy Cove and went separate ways, she's been avoiding me. Like she's embarrassed to have admitted what was going on her with and being that vulnerable with someone. I haven't seen her on the beach. I suspect she's been going to the other knowing I would be at work, haven't seen her around town or on her balcony at the house.

You must admit when she doesn't want to be seen, she's great at it.

Placing my hand over my eyes to block out the sun as I look up to the house from where I stand on the beach, I see the balcony doors closed and no movement anywhere. Shaking my head at her stubbornness, I reach down to wrap the cuff around my ankle.

"Do you think with Thalia on the judging panel, we have a better chance at winning the comp?" Charlie questions as he, Landon, and I sit on the beach preparing to go surfing.

With the news of Thalia agreeing to judge having spread through the town, a new energy has been given to the surf competition. People are practising harder in order to impress a professional surfer who will eye their every move and mistake.

Leaning my elbows on my knees, I shake my head at him and can't help but laugh. "Definitely not. I think we have even less of a chance because she'll be judging us harder to make sure there's no bias," I snort, and their faces fall at the idea of not having a leg up. "Don't trust your skills enough?"

"Fuck you, man. Twenty bucks says I place higher than you," Charlie bets, and I raise my eyebrow before shrugging and agreeing to his terms. Charlie salutes before running to the ocean, and Landon looks at me.

"You could have bet higher. We all know you'll place higher," Landon says as I stand up, holding my board under my arm.

"The satisfaction of his facial expression is win enough."

"I'll be sure to get that on video for the next time he makes a stupid bet. Remember when he bet he could out-dance Gabi? He regretted that one," Landon says, shaking his head at the stupid bet Charlie made, considering Gabi is known for dancing. He claps me on the back before making his way to the water.

I take one last look up at the house and around the beach before following them. Diving in on our boards and paddling out to the waves. Charlie is already catching the waves. Meanwhile, I take a moment to sit on my board and watch them.

Paddling away from the wave towards the beach, I paddle faster and faster, matching the speed of the wave. Popping myself up on the board when it's time, I ride the wave. Turning as I do to ride the wave for longer, I allow myself to focus on the feeling of surfing, the ocean and beach in front of me as I do.

Coming to the end of the wave as my board glides along the now flat wave, I fall off to the side. Shaking my head as I come back above the water and running my hands through my hair, I climb onto my board and head back over to the guys.

Riptide | Sandy Cove Series #1Where stories live. Discover now