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s i x   m o n t h s   l a t e r

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s i x   m o n t h s   l a t e r . . .

"ARE YOU WAITING for a sea creature to jump out and swallow you whole or something?"

My eyebrows furrow at the random question that is thrown my way. Taken aback by it, I look away from the ocean that I was staring at from where I am sitting in the sand on the only beach in the small coastal town of Sandy Cove. With my knees tucked to my chest and my arms wrapped around them, I turn my head to the side.

My gaze travels up from the flip-flops that are digging into the sand a few feet away from me. To the colorful board shorts that are a contrast to the black short-sleeved rash guard that does nothing to hide the six-pack the mysterious man is sporting.

Bringing my hand up to shield my eyes, squinting as I reach the face of the unknown person who asks the strangest of questions. A blond shaggy mop covers his head, complimenting the defined jawline and the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen.

His raspy voice brings me out of my own deep thoughts. The same ones that have been running through my head every day for the past six months. This is the closest I've come to a human connection since arriving in Sandy Cove a week ago. That isn't saying much, considering the only two places I've ventured to all week is the beach cottage I'm staying in, that rests on the stretch of road at the top of the long wooden stairs that lead to the beach, and the beach itself.

Six months of being cooped up in a physical therapy rehabilitation center for my leg and concussion, has given me enough socialization to last a lifetime. Between the doctors and the therapists, keeping to myself the first week of my stay here was a luxury. One that has just been broken.

"Excuse me?"

His lips curve into an amused smile as he stares down at me. Shaking his head, the blonde locks fall in front of his face before he nods his head in the ocean's direction. "I hate to be the one to break it to you, but sea creatures don't exist...that I know of. Although I guess it is possible, there has been lots of evidence to show the Loch Ness monster is real. Mermaids too, but I wouldn't get your hopes up about that one. It's mostly surfers that have said they're real after wiping out."

My mouth gapes like a fish, opening and closing with no words coming out. Is he for real?

"Loch ness monster? Mermaids?" I repeat his words and he nods, as if it is the most normal of conversations to have with a complete and utter stranger.

"You've been here every day for an entire week. Sitting in this same spot, staring out at the ocean, and never going in as if you're willing for something to jump out and take you," the local says, pointing out to the ocean, analyzing me as if he can read my thoughts or know what I've been through.

At least if something was to jump out and drag me into the water, I'd be back in the water again for the first time in six months. The most progress I've made is being able to sit on the sand and look at the ocean. Even then, the memories come flashing back through my mind.

Riptide | Sandy Cove Series #1Where stories live. Discover now