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I BOLT UPRIGHT from my night terror

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I BOLT UPRIGHT from my night terror.

Sweat covers my body, my chest heaving up and down as I pant, like I've run a marathon. Closing my eyes, I run my hands through my hair, keeping my head down as I do my best to control my breathing. After a few moments, the ringing in my ears disappears and my heaving chest slows down. Groaning with annoyance at the regular occurrence, I look towards the balcony, seeing the sun rise. I pull the covers back and get out of bed.

Turning on the shower in the bathroom. I strip out of the disgusting sweat covered clothes and throw them in the basket before getting in. Sighing as I feel the warm water run down my body, I lean back against the glass of the shower and rest my head against it.

After a long twenty-minute cleanse, I wrap myself in a robe and allow my wet hair to air dry. Making my way downstairs, I put a pot of coffee on to wake myself up. The sunlight streams through the open plan area, and although I was woken up from my night terror, it is nine in the morning.

My phone ringing blares through the silence of the house. Seeing my agent's name on the screen, I sigh—having ignored her calls the entire time I've been here.

"Oh, wow, look at that. My client actually answered the phone."

I regret answering already. Pouring my coffee into a cup, followed by some creamer, I lean against the counter in the kitchen before replying, "I know, I know."

"Do you know how many phone calls I've been getting? From the media, sponsors, the league—"

I tense. "—what did you tell them?"

A scoff comes through the other side of the phone. "No comment. What else could I tell them when I didn't even know what my client was up to? It's a good job I know where you are or else I would have had to send out search parties."

I snort. "Now you're being dramatic."

A sigh comes through the other end of the phone, and we remain in silence for the next few moments. "You're going to have to talk about this and decide. Do you even know if you're going to be surfing next season?"

"I—I don't know."

My truth is out in the open, and silence remains on the other end. Ever since my accident, it's been up in the air whether I'll be surfing next season considering I can't even get into the water anymore.

"Thalia, how are you? Really." Her voice turns to that of not my agent, but also the voice of a concerned friend. Having been my agent since I was signed, we have also become friends.

"I'm fine," I state, glad she cannot see my facial expression or the nervous tapping of my hand against the counter.

"Are you really going to lie to me?" She asks, clearly not taking any of my bullshit and I can't help as a smile decorates my lips.

Riptide | Sandy Cove Series #1Where stories live. Discover now