Chapter 8

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"Damn you..." Spade said, "I've spent years keeping this damn curse locked up in here and you three just come along and ruin it! I don't even know why you want this damn curse, it'll only corrupt you! Curses are the reason why good men turn bad, that's why we seek to destroy them or at least contain them." Spade said. "You're part of The Scourge?!" Angel asked

"Yes I am, ever since I lost my ship, the Aggressor, my eyes were opened to the reality of things. Curses were the source of most evil in the world. Rupin, Cursebeard, Durza, all of them! Evil! That's why I joined the Scourge, to restore peace to seas in our own way! Trust me, you don't want this Curse." Spade said

"I didn't even know the Light Curse was in here, I only seeked to avenge my old crew!" Averil responded

"I don't even remember your crew, heck, I don't even know who you are! Spade said

"Really?! Maybe you would remember how you slowly killed my captain right in front of his crew! I will have my revenge!" Averil said

"I remember now...your captain, ha, how he pleaded for his life, it was pitiful, almost made me feel bad, like putting down an animal." Spade taunted

"You'll die for that!" Averil yelled as he charged at Spade preparing to blast him with a light beam, Spade dodged and sent a large flare fireball towards Averil, who created a light barrier which absorbed the attack but got dispersed in the process, the light particles created a smoke screen which obscured Averil's vision, he didn't have time to react as another flare fireball followed in the first one's wake and hit Averil directly, he had been blinded by his rage and made a mistake.

"Averil!" Jackdaw and Angel shouted as they used their fire magics towards Spade which Spade dodged , Jackdaw dashed to the left side and used his second magic, shadow, to launch a shadow blast towards Spade, and Angel dashed right and sent a shower of light blasts towards Spade.

Spade knew he couldn't get out of this one, he created a protective sphere of solar flares around him to block the attack, the combination of light and shadow created an "equinox effect" which created a large explosion, which not only destroyed Spade's barrier but also severely injured him into submission.

Averil's arm was disintegrated by Spade's flares, which caused him to lose a lot of blood, Angel did what she could, closing up the wound to prevent any more bleeding, but not restoring the limb, Angel's life magic was powerful but it has its limits.

"Damnit..." Spade muttered as he spat blood out of his mouth due to his wounds, Spade used whatever last bits of energy he had to use his other magic, Poison, it has the terrible effects of shadow in the form of a concentrated gas which irritates the mucus lining of the lungs causing it to swell, whoever inhaled it practically drowned on dry land.

He used his poison magic to create a blast of poison towards Jackdaw catching him off guard and hitting him directly.

"Breathe it in..." Spade said, Angel finally noticed Spade being conscious and immediately sent a blast of light towards him, Spade couldn't dodge as he was hit by it, knocking him out.

Jackdaw went into a coughing fit as he inhaled the poisonous mist, he used his third magic, wind, to dispel the gas.

Angel rushed to Jackdaw's side and used her life magic to dispel the poison in Jackdaw's lungs and heal it, since poison was a mutation of shadow, life magic cancelled out its effect

The Light Curse, the power to become one with light and move as fast as light, was right in front of them, "Kid, you should take it and use it's power to defeat The Dark Wizard" Averil told Jackdaw.

Jackdaw approached it, bringing his palm forward to touch it, but stopped, "No, I can't take it, I can't bear to watch another one of my friends die, especially when I can do something about it" Jackdaw said, he went to Averil's side and brought him closer to the cube, "Are you sure you wanna do this kid? This is one step closer to defeating Durza if you take it." Averil said.

"No, I can't take this, not when I can save someone else, I'll get just as strong as I could be with this curse eventually, but I won't find another friend like you for a long time." Jackdaw said, Averil smiled and brought his hand towards the cube and touched it.

Averil immediately felt his wounds healing as light took the form of a prosthetic arm replacing his lost arm. Averil's 3 minds all took the form of light magic and now he had the Light Curse, now he really deserves the title "The Shining King"

-825 words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2022 ⏰

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