Chapter 2

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It's been three years after Durza had absorbed his curse, three years since his grandfather died, he had been exploring the world alone taking magics from unsuspecting adventurers, did he feel any guilt? No, he did not. Another thing about curses is that they aren't just more powerful versions of magic they're called curses for a reason, and that reason is that they corrupt your mind, its unavoidable, even if you barely use it it will slowly corrupt your mind turning good people, evil. The more mentally unstable a person is, the quicker they change. And seeing the only person he cares about get killed, Durza got pretty messed up.

For now though he was walking down a path right at the floor of a mountain when he was approached by a hooded figure. "I've heard about you...Magic Thief" the hooded man said "You can supposedly take any magic, but this is a magic you won't steal!" the man yelled as his arm turned into rock and spikes launched out of the ground poised to impale The Magic Thief, Durza dodged by taking flight with wind magic and spoke "I'm feeling merciful today, I'll go easy on you, at least for now" he said as he countered with a combined beam of Fire, Lightning and Light. The earth user blocked the attack by raising a thick wall of stone out of the ground which got shattered by Durza's attack. The hooded man got worried, 'Maybe this was a mistake. Can't back out now' he thought as he launched a large boulder towards Durza at which Durza shattered with a wall of shadow. The hooded man was getting tired whilst Durza was just warming up, his vision was obscured by dust created from his attack but once it settled he was greeted by a blast of light which blinded him. Durza took this opportunity and grabbed their forehead and tried to focus on taking his magic energy but was shocked to see that he had very little, he tried again but this time focused on his physical energy and was able to steal it as the the earth curse user passed out. And thus Durza took his first curse, another step to being the most powerful in the world.

As Durza was walking away he suddenly had an idea, 'If I want to become the most powerful then I'll have to learn how to improve what I already have instead of just taking more magics.' he thought

Durza used his new curse in constructing a large tower on a remote island, he would spend the next couple of years here, researching about magics.

*1 year later*
During his time researching he had found a way to mutate magics or evolving them into more powerful forms. He had mutated water magic into ice magic, fire into plasma, and earth into sand.

Eventually the rest of the world caught up and discovered mutations as well but he did not want his research to be halted so he remained in his tower.

He also figured out a way to revive the dead using magic, he called it "Dead Revival Magic". Which was his most powerful weapon in his arsenal.

"Light and shadow combination test #11, fail, *sigh* I'm getting nowhere with this" he said, Durza had found great potential in the combination of these two magics, they were polar opposites, you would think they would go well together like a magnet but instead the result is a massive explosion of what he liked to call "equinox energy" which nearly destroyed his whole tower had he not contained it. But being the persistent person he is, he kept trying.

*1 month later*
"Light and shadow combination test #42, fail, I'm getting sick of staying in this tower and doing tests that always yield the same result. I'm going outside, but first, I need to destroy this tower, can't have anyone else getting this research." He said as he used his earth curse to flatten his tower. He didn't worry about his research as he already knew how to forcefully mutate magics. Speaking of his earth curse, during his time researching, he spent a good deal of time tailoring his new curse into his own designs, making it better, faster, more precise, it's become his favorite weapons to use. The location around his tower had changed a lot this past year, he could hardly recognise it. He scanned his area for any high magic signatures, right, he figured out how to accurately pinpoint magic signatures as well. He found a powerful wizard nearby who had a magic unknown to him.

"Hello there wizard" Durza said, trying to trick him, but once the wizard felt an evil and dangerous aura around Durza he immediately sent a torrent of orange flames towards them. Durza reacted by forming a barrier using his earth curse which split the torrent in two. 'This is new, it feels like fire, only more powerful and colored yellow-orrange. The magic circle had a symbol that looks like a sun on it, ah I see, Sun Magic." He though, he tunneled underneath, avoiding the wizard's attacks and appeared behind them. He used ice magic to freeze him in his place, but the ice soon shattered because the wizard heated it using his magic, he countered by sending a large fireball towards Durza which he blocked using the earth curse again. But this time he countered immediately using a combined beam of the 7 source magics which knocked out the sun wizard. He grabbed their throat and focused on the feeling again, oh how he missed it, the magic energy flowing into his body felt almost nostalgic to him, and now he had a new magic to use.

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Arcane Adventures: Durza, The Magic ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now